Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cap and Trade Laws

What we need today is not a cap and trade system -- it is action and leadership. Accepting a bribe for energy costs that are simply passed on to the consumer is not a solution -- it is a stop gap that hurts the consumer and costs jobs. There are good solutions that we can do today because of American ingenuity. Look to our inventors like wind hunter and solar roadways.

What is a solution? Check out and you'll see a national grid that can go up that will give us 3 times our current electrical power consumption for the cost of repaving our roads. Then we would have something to plug alternative energy into to smooth out the peaks. Smart roads would encourage smart communities who extend the solution to their own factories, malls, businesses, and (YES) even homes.

A road should be able to melt its own snow without any equipment. A road should be able to detect people or deer on the road and warn in coming vehicles. A road is the perfect place to create a fault tolerant, national grid to manage the energy and communication needs of our communities through the country. It is "where the road goes" that "the people will flourish and benefit."

Have our auto companies build our new interstates and gain a stake in an America that sets a trend of the next century and beyond. Have so many jobs available that we don't worry about who will get them. We all need to help this happen.

In Memory of Emily Pickens

For those of you who knew Emily Pickens, there is a memorial site dedicated to her memory. Here is the link.

Dancing with the Stars

This week at our activities center we learned how to pass the hand behind you while swinging with the swing. What a fun dance. People are always telling my wife and I that we look like dancing on the stars. It is amazing to get out and learn enough to be caught up in it. I know my Dad and Mother were both serious Jitterbug dancers. Someday I'd like to see a replay of all this.

Whatever you want to do -- go out and do it. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Success to me is in the doing -- not in the being successful. Anyone can be successful and then quit. It is the amazing people that are alive their whole life, not letting success or failure get in their way.

I was once told early in my life that my music was nothing and that they could do rings around anything I had ever written. Yea, I said, and what are you playing today? What are you writing today? The point to me is not to be rings around someone else -- I love to write and play music so it is real every day of my life. I enjoy it and it thrills me to be alive and producing music.

Dancing with the stars to me is not an achievement, it is a process through which I like to travel weekly. I watched my Father paint and even with a big brush he made painting after painting -- amazing. He wrote songs, he planted a garden, he got out in his free time to golf, play ball, visit the folks, visit the farm, visit the museums, play backyard badminton, and teach the neighborhood kids how to play guitar or harmonica. He seem to capture the essence of what I call humanity with those whom he came into contact.

I watched my Mother populate our house with projects and populate our basement with goods put away for the future. Her tireless work was amazing and she seemed to involve all of us with a passion for being prepared. She always makes a holiday a special event inside her own home. She is always looking for that next thing to do.

My parents split apart when I was young but they both remained faithful to this unconquerable spirit of doing. They both remarried and found partners who seemed to be on the same wonderful spin of life. To me they are the true spirit behind dancing with the stars.