Friday, February 22, 2013

2nd Amendment -- banning guns

Banning guns is not the answer to violent video games and violent Hollywood movies.
How ironic that so many Hollywood liberals have pushed the agenda for a President that would make it illegal for them to make their own movies.  How ironic that a President who grew up with Chicago politics and saw yearly so many people killed by not being able to defend themselves in a city with tough gun laws ... giving the gangsters and thugs total control over Chicago citizens.  No worry, he surrounds  himself with gun toting defenders like every other president should because bad people might hurt him.  I would never, ever want that to happen.  I would give my life in defense of my country or my president if it came down to it. 
Why, I ask myself, does this president want everybody else in the country at the mercy of local thugs, mob gangsters, drug cartels, and even the Hezbollah warriors that are showing up in the borders that we are not defending?
Why does the president want such a crisis to happen?  For it will, given the lawlessness that this administration seems to have a penchant for supporting.  Voters intimidated by the black panthers are not even defended so that sends a signal to thugs everywhere that black panthers are welcome at the voting booths to protect their voting views with billy clubs.  Who wants to live in this type of country?
There is a reason for our rights as guaranteed in the constitution.
There is a reason why our founding fathers who lived through tyranny and a revolutionary war gave us these rights to keep us free.  Precious liberty this day needs defenders who will stand up to these political bosses who feel they know better than George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, and the list goes on and on.  In fact, two of the signers of the declaration of independence were black and they, as we should, put their life, liberties, and fortunes on the line for liberty.

Stand today for freedom for freedom rings true.