Friday, January 25, 2019

January of a New Year

Ambitions seem to overcome me as the new year's day rang on and rang loud inside of me.  I thought of all of what I need to be doing, then I got about doing it.  I don't think any other year has quite struck me the same way.

I ordered like crazy things to make things work.  Odd it is that today I still have not ordered my 2019 journal / calendar.  I want to remember this list but am a bit reticent to declare it.  Maybe I can simply say what I've done verses what I have planned.

In one device I can now play all my songs through speakers anywhere in my house.  And I've organized all my formal music there.  I'm slowly adding all the music I've ever written.  The device doubles as a video device to record the mastering of tai chi for the Yang style long form.  Today I can choose the composer / performer David Scott and randomly play all songs -- hey, that is me!  I can choose an Album, play list, or song to play from the various areas I have logged into iTunes.

In a simple, non-expensive device I added a studio capability that I can carry with me for studio ideas.  Mostly in the past I've simply written songs.  Now I think more in terms of working out albums in the studio.  And this studio is small, complete, portable, and battery powered.  Literally, anywhere I go -- there it is.

Stacks -- I've reorganized my life for stacks.  This simply means when I tackle an area like the study for my national license in acupuncture, there is stack for me to peruse.  So it stays active as I work on it and it always goes back into that place.  To make that happen I bought a series of book cases, put them in a hidden library room, and placed all currently-not-used books in the hidden library.  It also will make our library smaller as it becomes more of those books we want to showcase.

The mastering of the long form has been key on my list.  It is slowly popping out and I'm ready to begin recording it.  I added its constant review to my tai chi week (every other week).  The odd week off I review all of what I have learned from Mike Patterson's system to keep it fresh in my mind.  It is that backdrop that has given me the inspiration to create a new tai chi system.

In my practice I moved from writing to my patients to writing boilerplate.  Now I cut and paste for each patient what they need to hear for healing.  When it is something new, I add it to the boilerplate. That was a rough transition and took many more hours to complete.  Now it makes each session so much easier.  Out of that come A Plan for Health, specific Instructions in many areas, noted things to do with Trauma, and comments on Food, Herbs, or Supplements.  I have a section on the Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat issues.  I added boilerplate for all of the Sparrow within the Mastering Tai Chi program for the short from along with instructor notes.  That will serve as another tool for teachers of Mastering Tai Chi.

Videos to produce, on-line courses to finish, books to publish, and a practice to complete so that I can move forward all come to mind.  What a wonderful year.

There are other items but those have yet to be done like most ambitions new year lists.  I find that if I keep adding a goal on my lists, eventually it cranks out something real.  I still need to add that daily journal / calendar.  As I look at my poetry blog, I realize I could make a book out of it by adding pictures in the background.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Forever Lessons of the Elderly Scott Parents

I remember moving to Wichita because my parents, the Scotts, were sick and no one was there to help them through it.  So I put everything in a truck, called my brother, and he helped me drive straight through to Wichita.  I arrived on my Dad's doorstep so I could see what was going on for myself.  I could not seem to get clear answers on the phone when I talked to them.

The first thing we did together was attend church, sing in the choir, and begin doing some concerts at local nursing homes.  Dad and Mom were both happy to have me there.  It felt strange being in their basement but it gave me a good look at how they were coping.  I worked tirelessly to establish a practice in acupuncture in Kansas.  With references from Jim and Chris, my brothers, I ended up with a practice in both Wichita and Kansas City.

I moved into a nice one bedroom apartment with room for my piano in an old house.  It has a huge kitchen that was shared by all the boarders.  My piano fit in one of those classic parlor rooms.  I felt like I was in a mansion from the 1920s but still within a few blocks from the folk's home.  Dad took me to various seminars on money and investments.  He loved to attend them but never bought into their sales pitches.

I bought into a sales pitch and began studying about investments.  After four months of intense training, I found I did not like it.  I did not want to put my time or money into following the markets and moving money around to make a living.  My Dad told me at one point that he was so happy that we had time to live together.  He saw what a hard worker I was because I worked through much of night as well as the day.  He understood, he said, that in my life I was investing in myself.  He told me that it would pay off over time.  Keep working on it.

I guess what I loved most about that time was the music.  Dad and I would sing and harmonize every single day.  I would prepare lead guitar parts to complement his band for the nursing homes and for church.  Mom and I would be in choir every week on Wednesday night with all her church friends.  I found out she had perfect pitch.  I loved singing tenor and it strengthened the choir.  Dad preferred to sing with his band in the church and had stopped coming to choir so Mom had someone to be there to support her again.

The pinnacle of that time was taking one of my Dad's songs and arranging it on the piano.  Then I actually wrote it up in choir form.  Then I taught the choir how to sing it in parts that I had arranged.  We kept working on it bit by bit until we had it down.  It was Father's day and my dad had no idea what was happening.  I went up to the piano in the chapel and the whole choir surrounded me.  We sang his own song, Praise Jesus, in an arrangement he had never heard before.  He was crying.  Mom had this perfect pitch that made the harmony zing.

It turned out they both had cancer.  My Mom Scott had gone downhill with Parkinson's Disease and could no longer stop shaking or even work out.  She was hanging on with these growths on her face.  My Dad had his continual intake of chewable Tums as he struggled with stomach issues.  Still, as I stayed there over the first month, they were independent.  They could drive, shop, and still were attending church and interacting with their friends.

I loved how every Sunday they met with friends at various restaurants.  The conversation and caring for each other was amazing.  They were involved in the lives of many people both in and out of the church.  Mom was volunteering 2-3 times a week at the local Catholic hospital, Via Christi.  Dad was busy following his investments and aiming them as best he could to keep safe their nest egg.  Both were still singing and playing.

I moved out after living two months in the basement to an apartment nearby.  All seemed well enough and safe enough.  Even while sick, they really could manage.  It was obvious Mom's face was covered with cancer so I asked her to tell the doctor to check for it.  Then they started treating it.  They shaved off bit by bit every part of both cheeks and the nose until they were down to the bone.  It  was a long, laborious process -- each time leaving her weaker.

My Dad's doctor found cancer in his esophagus and began a series of operations.  I was able to be there at his doctor's visits.  I was there at the hospital.  1-2-3-4 operations to be specific.  After the first operation, I placed my hands on his shoulders and said, "Dad, did you know that the sooner you get up, the sooner you will be out of here and recover?"  He was up and walking that day.  Every day he walked further.  And within the week he was home.

My Dad listened to me and let me treat him as well.  At times I used acupuncture or Lifewave patches and they helped tremendously.  The cancer was persistent and the doctor never got it all.  It kept working its way down.  At one point I bought this big table with a infrared chamber and a chi machine.  He got in it and got out and said, "I can not do this one."  There were things that simply were too much for him to try.

My sister DeLynne often came to help them both in this crisis.  She was there for each operation.  My Dad got to the point he could no longer eat and was pushing liquid food through a port in his stomach.  He no longer wanted to live in this state.  He told me clearly, you take care of Mom and make sure she is treated well for the rest of her life.  DeLynne would come and clean.  She would help them through the tough moments when it got too much for me.

My Dad walked until the last few days of his life.  He fell down the stairs and went into a coma.  He never came out of it.  I remember the last day my son John had come to play guitar to him.  Even in a coma he lifted his elbow to clap for John.  It was so touching.  I spent most of the night with him and Mom that last day before he died.  Somehow we both knew it was the last moments of his life.

It seems to me that everyone came to my Dad's funeral -- the whole family on all sides.  All of us got to say whatever we felt at the funeral.  I worked so hard to put down my feelings and share it both at the funeral and at the grave site.  Amazingly, Mom drove the car to the burial site close to where Dad grew up, the Nashville cemetery.  I realized watching her drive over that it would be soon for her to stop driving.  It was becoming a bit much for her.

Mom went to a plastic surgeon to fix her missing nose and cheeks.  Amazingly, the doctor removed the forehead and used it to shape a new nose and produce cheeks.  He said they learned how to do this from the operation done in India for those who had their nose cut off -- the punishment of thieves in India.  She took forever to heal and looked like a mummy for months.  Even after a year it had this scarring on the forehead but the doctor said it was the only place it would heal by regrowing skin and blood vessels.  She said she would never go through this again.

Mom retreated into her own world.  She went out less and less.  She seemed glued to the couch.  I had the neighbors checking on her daily as well as my visits.  I tried to get her to do tai chi and she did from time to time.  I made sure she could watch movies but she lost the ability to turn them on.  She seems stuck to the movies from the local channels.  She no longer wanted to sing in the choir.  All the neighbors were worried and checked on her more often.

The neighbor across the street, Lynn, found her passed out on the floor.  Her hip had broken and immediately had her to the hospital.  I met them there and stayed with her as they operated.  It left her  in pain and barely able to manage on her own.  For the rest of her life she was either struggling in rehab or in and out of nursing homes because she needed extra help to make it through the day.  She could no longer drive.

I fell into a rhythm of singing weekly with her wherever we found her a place to stay.  I still had to make sure she made it to doctor appointments and help her in rehab.  DeLynne still backed me up and was often there to get her through the tough moments.  Her mental acuity began to wane so I put her on Vitamin C packets with extra herbs, vitamins, and electrolytes.  She could drink them.  I put her on Curcumin or Turmeric with black pepper.  And I put her on Prevagen for the rest of her life.  It cleared up her mind and kept her able to make her own decisions.

Mom's Parkinson's Disease kept getting worse.  Because of her inability to move safely, it required 24 by 7 help -- even at night she would try to get up and go and fall.  The falls were devastating to her health.  She had to live with alarms and close supervision at all time.  I finally found a home that felt like home.  Comfort Care homes are in a home with only a few seniors to watch.  They made home cooked meals, they gave them regular treats, and they always made sure they were taken care of in regular patterns.  It didn't matter if it were bathing, fixing the hair, cutting the toe nails, seeing the doctors, or taking nice breaks in the backyard -- they were there for her like a home environment.

Mom did not like living by herself.  She often asked me to take her home.  I simply could not take her home.  I decided to make sure we did enjoyable things weekly.  That was the best I could do.  Sometimes DeLynne would actually stay with her in her room.  All of the family visited from time to time.  It wasn't easy for them to see her in this condition but they could see she was getting quality care.  I would thank God daily for the wisdom of my Dad to set aside a nest egg for a rainy day.

I knew at the end it was close.  I came to play guitar and flute.  She still sang with me.  I held her hand in those moments as her consciousness went in and out.  One of her last words to me was, "you are quite a musician."  She always told me that she loved me.  Dying is never easy for anyone.  And I felt Mom had the worst of it.  The cancer came back with a vengeance.  It ate through a part of her back until you could put a fist in it.  Chris helped me find doctors who could treat it.  Finally, it had come back under control after so much pain.  It healed back up to about the size of the end of the thumb.  Then the cancer ate through her face until she could no longer eat or drink.  We all knew that was the end.

We all gathered one last time because she told me, "I want to see my pups again one last time."  So we sang together as a family and held on to the moment of her imminent passing.  We all knew it would be soon.  I am so grateful that everyone came.  I had us singing the songs she had heard weekly for several years.  She still knew the words and piped in with perfect pitch.

The funeral to me was a blur.  I spoke at both the funeral and the grave site.  I truly enjoyed seeing many of the family I had not spent any time with since I was a small boy.  Sometimes I like to say life is fragile.  In this case both my parents were strong and lived healthy lives.  The pain they faced at the end was tremendous.  And they came through it with dignity.  I admire their stamina.  I admire their unselfish lives.  I admire the forever lessons they gave me.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hope Springs Eternal

This is to all of the liberals and progressives who have turned out country inside out and created armies in over 70 federal agencies armed and possessed with the right to enter and abuse our citizens with no due course of law.  Welcome to the new world of one world government.  Welcome to the ideology of a state which serves up to us common core education, homeland security, and uses the internal revenue service agents to enforce health care for everybody.  Are you listening to yourselves?

We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.  1776 Declaration of Independence

Apparently not during the last three administrations where they have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to place Muslim Brotherhood operatives across the state department, into the various executive agencies like the FBI, CIA, NSA, and Homeland Security.  Our individual liberties are sacrificed for the collective good of our security.  Does anybody even know or care that the Muslim Brotherhood at one time was kicked out of ever Arab nation from those who believed in Islam?  Now they control the Mosques and the education of Muslims in America.  Now the State department has tirelessly put them back in charge where ever they could in the Middle East.  And what do we  hear from it ... there are no Islamic terrorists in the United States -- really?  Do you believe that?

That they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights.  1776 Declaration of Independence

All men are create equal was the phrase ... a Martin Luther King dream, that we will work together, pray together, struggle together, go to jail together, and stand up for freedom together.  Thanks to last three presidents we have this opportunity to live out his dream.  Let freedom ring from every mountain.  And when it rings, when we allow it to ring, it will ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city.  Maybe this will speed up the day when black men and white men, when Jews and Gentiles, when Protestants and Catholics, when all men will rise up together and live out the creed that made America exception -- we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.

That among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  1776 Declaration of Independence

As for me and my family, we will remain true to the liberty that has made this country great.  We refuse to bow down to the Gods of liberalness or give into the atheistic ramblings about the out-of-date religious beliefs and symbols while they raise their own religious symbols.  Obama care is a poor excuse for the state to control our lives asking questions and pooling data which will place one party, the progressive party, in control of our lives.  Common core is a poor excuse for the state to control public teaching and to gain new leadership that leaves American values and states rights by the wayside.

I have only been an instrument in the hands of Providence.  George Washington

We all recognize the humility and dependence of George Washington as he took action year after year to secure our liberty and freedom.  There are solutions for these questions which preserve our liberty.  Health savings accounts keep medical care a personal choice and out of the hands of the government.  They encourage the individual to keep costs lower.  States should be the ones to guide our children's education -- not a federal behemoth froth with corruption.  Do you want a more effective educational program?  Implement Montessori education which is proven in over 100 countries around the world.  And it takes the politics out of it.  And one teacher then can handle more students who learn at their own pace and help each other as a group.

That to secure their rights governments were instituted.  1776 Declaration of Independence

Why is the federal government handing out money like candy to their own personal campaign contributors?  Why are lobbyists writing our laws?  Why are laws not being read?  Does anyone see that this is taxation without representation?  It is time that our government secured our rights.  Why do we spend our time policing the world and setting world policy?  How about returning to those who invented solutions in our country that would give us an economy based on renewable fuels?  Check out the work of Scott Brusaw when he invented Solar Roadways that placed on our interstate highways would produce three times the electricity that we use today.  That means we could have a hydrogen economy.  Check out the work of an American, Roger Billings, who is the father of hydrogen and invented the first hydrogen fuel cell ten years before Germany released theirs.  Hydrogen cars are possible and even our current cars could be converted with a minimal cost.

These are times that try mens' souls.  December 23, 1776 Thomas Paine

We have the ability today to do these things but we are struggling with class warfare and hidden agendas with a huge lack of public education.  As we begin to place groups in America with special rules and regulations we fail to heal our nation and move into the next century of freedom.  We give up our freedom and liberty for special interests of groups who do not have our best interest at heart.  We have a media that has abandoned the who, what, why, where, and when of reporting in favor of vanilla news -- don't make waves.

This is our hope.   1963 Martin Luther King I have a dream speech

May this hope give rise from the depression of class warfare and hidden agendas to the hope of freedom and liberty where all men will work together, pray together, struggle together, and stand up for freedom together.

Friday, February 22, 2013

2nd Amendment -- banning guns

Banning guns is not the answer to violent video games and violent Hollywood movies.
How ironic that so many Hollywood liberals have pushed the agenda for a President that would make it illegal for them to make their own movies.  How ironic that a President who grew up with Chicago politics and saw yearly so many people killed by not being able to defend themselves in a city with tough gun laws ... giving the gangsters and thugs total control over Chicago citizens.  No worry, he surrounds  himself with gun toting defenders like every other president should because bad people might hurt him.  I would never, ever want that to happen.  I would give my life in defense of my country or my president if it came down to it. 
Why, I ask myself, does this president want everybody else in the country at the mercy of local thugs, mob gangsters, drug cartels, and even the Hezbollah warriors that are showing up in the borders that we are not defending?
Why does the president want such a crisis to happen?  For it will, given the lawlessness that this administration seems to have a penchant for supporting.  Voters intimidated by the black panthers are not even defended so that sends a signal to thugs everywhere that black panthers are welcome at the voting booths to protect their voting views with billy clubs.  Who wants to live in this type of country?
There is a reason for our rights as guaranteed in the constitution.
There is a reason why our founding fathers who lived through tyranny and a revolutionary war gave us these rights to keep us free.  Precious liberty this day needs defenders who will stand up to these political bosses who feel they know better than George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, and the list goes on and on.  In fact, two of the signers of the declaration of independence were black and they, as we should, put their life, liberties, and fortunes on the line for liberty.

Stand today for freedom for freedom rings true.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wondering if Anyone is Awake

I am wondering what these journals are worth.  I write to a wall that fills up from time to time.  It is an awesome responsibility that we face at this time to our government which has spent billions of dollars through both political parties to change the way we live dramatically which downplaying our constitutional values and rules.  The courts do not seem to rely on the constitution for the foundation of law.  The executive seems to obey only those laws that fit their agenda.  Congress can not seem to even prepare a budget that fits our income.  Tax and spend seems to be the only recourse to them as they are busy planning out more programs, more progress toward a future that does not seem to be founded on good sense.

I no longer watch the T.V. but enjoy a specialized form of watching through the internet and being guided by internet applications like netflix who allow full choice of programming.  It keeps our house full of a good spirit.  The blaze dot com has become our favorite news station.  And music fills our home everyday.

The boiler broke and if I had not stopped it, it would have blown up the house.  We were saved by wondering what that smell could be and I was off searching for it.  Sometimes our decisions both at home, domestically, and abroad are decisions that set the tone for a long time.  We have now put the Muslim Brotherhood in charge of the Middle East with jets, guns, rocket launchers, drones, and plenty of money.  That is, our United States congress let our president give billions of dollars to the his Muslim causes.  So in the fight in terror we put in charge those who created Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, and Hamas -- the three most evil terrorist organizations in the history of mankind.

I watched a movie that showed over 1,000 professionals who believe the twin towers and the third tower that came down -- was blown up by internal plastic explosives.  They show incontrovertible evidence in a movie.  Bush had to have known what he was doing.  Clinton put Muslim Brotherhood contacts in the state department when he was president.  Bush kept with the flow, so to speak.

So what is really happening with our country?  And why can't conservatives remain on certain committees in congress.  It it as simple as they do not get along?  No.  It is clear that both parties are after the same controls in our society and the way to create change is to create a crisis.  Breaking the bank is the way to ultimately gain control.  Being non-transparent, not talking about what changes are really occurring with FEMA, with Homeland Security, with regulations across many czars.  It is all part of a larger plan.

I am not a conspiracy nut although I am widely read.  It simply is happening before our very eyes.

It is time to take back our country one vote at a time, one state at a time.  This battle and war that we face is the worst war that America has ever been in.  Our last three presidents have been bought and paid for and completely reversed our freedoms.  It is time to pay attention to what is happening in the driver's seat at all levels of our government.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Living in Perilous Times

It is my hope that everyone is enjoying family all around you and thinking about all the lives you have touched -- thousands of people are influenced in our lifetime.

As I look at these perilous times when liberals have taken over both  parties and engineered a life that is slanted towards a global takeover, it occurs to me that we faced a similar battle in the halls of heaven where Satan gathered his forces and aligned them all with the slogan to "save us all" but in the background he clamored that God was to "give him all the glory."  So God chose his only begotten son to become the leader, the father of our world's creation, and the savior of all mankind.

In this year's election the Republican National Committee, RNC, forced the nomination of a "Mormon" who statistically showed that 35 percent of our population would not elect simply because he was a Latter Day Saint (IE Mormon).  They knew the election would be difficult, if not impossible, but rather than let a non-liberal in charge who would bring us back to a path of American values (liberty, justice, free markets, protection of the individual, ...) they chose the a liberal Mormon who architected a law that most conservatives are against.  The election was so close that any election engineering was ignored (bogus votes).  And it played into the hands of the liberal RNC and Democratic National Committee, DNC, who encourage this class fighting among Americans so they can do the dirty business behind the scenes of destroying us.

Reading in the Wall Street Journal which I am wont to do daily, I find John Kerry the architect of a South America which strengthened the Sandinista movement and promoted the birth of Communists in power.  His policies from our congressional committees continued to promote Cuban influence across a number of South American countries.  He is pushed forward to become our next Secretary of Defense.  That followed by Hillary Clinton who helped engineer a block of countries with the Muslim Brotherhood in power.  Now we face a united Arab world in Jihad-ism from an organization who created Hamas, Hezbollah, and Al-Qaeda.  Slowly but surely, as prophesied in the bible, the nations surrounding Israel in the last days are all strongly united with the same belief that they must by their religion destroy Israel.

In the WSJ I find the genesis of people in power justifying genetically modified foods, the destruction of family farms, the remaking of agriculture into larger conglomerates so they can feed 8 billion people.  They justify regulations which suppress, destroy and make a mockery of organic foods, meats, and products.  This class warfare is often based on lies.  It was the Chinese who first fed a billion people through bio-intensive farming which reclaimed soil and made it richer through composting.  Which created a cycle of renewal between the entire chain of food supply.  The farming in China using our methods destroyed thousands of acres of topsoil before they started to realize the danger.  The resurgence of organic farming which combined the best of the US farmer knowledge with Chinese model came out of Stanford University and spread now to over 109 countries.  It reduced the use of water by 60 percent.  It does without chemicals or pesticides.  Without natural predators the plants produced are carbohydrate rich and often devoid of essential minerals to human health.  Scientific studies show the organic diet verses our commercial food products is better for the health of the human population.  It is a healthy free market which increases the production of food, not simply raw numbers of yield per acre.  It is a tragic mistake to continue our prosecution of local farmers for not using termination seeds by Monsanto, for daring to compete with products the commercial producers make taboo for small farmers, for raising grass fed meat and bringing it to market.

The fiscal cliff created by a president who believed one trillion dollars in debt is no problem is continued by a president who continues to stubbornly blame the last president and spent as much as he can towards the same global realization of conflict.  Is it any wonder we spent 97 percent of our budget in FEMA building stockpiles, massive under ground structures which can survive nuclear warfare, and enough prison space to house over 1 million of our citizens?  The most popular trends in the United States today are:  buying guns, ammunition, survival gear, food, energy independence articles, underground bunkers, and books on the conflict including a huge resurgence in material supporting American values stemming from the founding fathers of our country.

How many vacations can one president take?  How many communists and Muslim brotherhood leaders and sympathizers can one president put in office?  How many paid assistants does the first lady need?  Apparently 28 is not enough for this first lady as our schools are finding out that there is tons of new regulation from the hidden work of Michelle.

Even as I write this I know I helped develop the engine created by IEWild (bought up by a billion dollar corporation, bought out by a multi-billion dollar corporation, sold to the FBI and other skunk works) which does the analysis of Terra-bytes in parallel across our financial, telephone, e-mail, and social website data for any information which the government concludes is in their best interest to know.

I believe in the core values of America and that they were inspired of God.  I believe America was chosen much like the people of Israel to rise up in the last days and be the last bastion of freedom on earth as an example to all, as an inspiration to all.  Our Soviet press calls Obama a communists and says "we tried that and it did not work for us" and our press doesn't even mention it.  It is time to stand up and be counted for what is important and not participate in this class warfare.  It is time not to be enslaved by debt.  It is time to return to a free market.  It is time to move away from the dole that has become the standard way of caring for our nation.

Christians who believe in God and Jesus are all Christians no matter what their denomination.  Good people everywhere independent of their belief recognize the critical foundation of the independent spirit brought about by free markets, free competition, and the allocation of resources by a republic which protects the rights of an individual.

I would be proud to be called a Catholic, a Jehovah's Witness, a Seven Day Adventist, a Christian Scientist, or a Mormon.  All considered as cults by many of the so called mainstream Christian organizations.  The more we have faith dividing us, the harder we will fall.  This election is a primary example where so many people of the Christian faith refused to vote for either side.  What a Mormon or a communist?  How do you choose when you believe in cults?

I look forward to releasing products this year which extoll the virtues of love, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  I look forward to releasing a few technical books which extoll the virtues of finding cures of disease not simply research for big conglomerates to bury beneath their drug releases.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Growing Alternatives in Health

Health is not something we take for granted.  It is hard earned.  It is easy to lose slowly, and one day we simply feel fatigue -- rest no longer suffices.

Look at the alternatives in life.  They are there and almost in every paper, magazine, and book.

Nutrition is exploding.  Studies abound in its ability to lift our live back to normal.  Companies exist which pre-digest and stock all necessary components of nutrition so that we can recover.  If you are desperate, look for these!

Modalities are exploding.  It is hard not to find them.

It is no longer simply do exercise.  There is meditation, yoga, Pilates, tai chi chuan, qi qong, and the list goes on and on.  Go get a tape and learn something you can do.  If that fails try something else.  There has never been this deluge of choices.

It is no longer simply go to the doctor.  There are acupuncturists, massage therapists, reflexologists, chiropractors, osteopaths, naturopaths, doctors who believe in preventative or restorative medicine, nutritionalists, herbalists, and the lists go on and on.

It is no long simply use this system.  There are many technologies on the market which mimic years of understanding in restoring health through far infrared heat, through lasers, through irradiation, through diet, through fasting, through detoxification therapies.  Even the idea of posture has changed so that many people have become posture experts and our posture leads to good health.

Work the health from the inside out with nutrition and diet, with positive thinking and the balancing of the energy of the body.  Work the body from the outside in with posture, exercise, movement, baths, rest, and restoration from nature itself -- look at all of what nature has to offer between the sun and our planet!

Don't give up.  Google what others have done to get back to health.  There is a revolution in health that has moved from doing what we need to treat disease to doing what we need to maintain a healthy body.  Focus on what it takes to be healthy.  Any symptom should be telling you something -- listen to them.

Energy -- is it too low?

Sleep -- do you wake rested?

Are you hot or cold?

Do you sweat at odd times like at night or during the day without reason?

Are you hungry to eat and thirsty to drink?

How is your digestion?  Any bloating, gas, distention or pain?

Is your elimination regular?

Does the periodic flows within your body as a women happen regularly and easily?

Any issues on the eyes, ears, nose or throat?

Are you in pain?

I recently read the history of one of the best healing centers in the United States.  They often found success when others failed.  They looked at the whole person.  They treated holistically.  They pioneered new techniques in many areas while solving difficult cases.  Still, they simply restored function through mostly good nutrition and lifestyle.