Yes, that is right! I took the glorious plunge, Geronimo. I remember screaming that as I flung myself down the water spout at water parks till I splashed below in the cascading parade of water.
Some may ask where? The San Diego temple ceremony was done by the Stake Patriarch in our area. I asked two friends to be there as witnesses and they came with their wives. I think Julie had 3 girl friends (2 single, 1 married) and our bishop came with his wife. So it was quiet, unassuming, and quite a world of words by the Patriarch who was in his best form.
Actually our family, although they were not there played a big part of it. Maria had Julie as a Kayak partner. Most all of us save my Dad and Mom Scott were at the graduation from acupuncture school. We all had this delicious salmon together. All of my family helped me in subtle ways to understand how I felt.
My brother Jim helped us stay in Del Mar at a nice hotel where we had an ocean view. I took her to dinner at the Double Happiness restaurant in Del Mar. We had a day of being in Del Mar and La Jolla in some of our favorite haunts.
Julie and I have danced since our first date in November of 2006. I moved into the same city last summer to know if I still wanted to marry her. And we have enjoyed music, choir, qi qong, kung fu, dancing, walking, working out, and getting to know each other for over a year. We have even picked out the Fred Astaire / Ginger Rogers routines to work on after watching their movies together.
I'll attach some pictures of our reception at the Orchard in Point Loma just before the New Years Eve party. We brought carrot cake and plenty of interesting juices which turned out to be the life of the party. Of course we danced and I sang her two songs. I am wearing this incredible outfit my Mom sent me for Christmas. She wondered if it would fit -- it fit great and the tie was made for it. Julie had a Ginger Rogers look and was a knock out.
The real effort was the move ... I moved 4 boxes at a time and unpacked as I went so the front room became the studio. I even put up the pictures as I went. We had it planned so tightly that the last move was 20 minutes before being there at the temple. Go figure.
It's an awesome thing to find yourself re-attached and hopeful again. I'm excited for you both and thank you for sharing your thoughts and pictures on the BLOG.
Congrats, Uncle David! Hopefully, I'll get to meet her soon.
I'm so pleased you two are together and dancing up a storm. Jim and I went dancing and we'd love to go again. Can't wait to visit and do some more Karoeke numbers!
Lv Deb
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