Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Religious Intolerance

This morning I found a site that referenced a speech by a Christian that put together a website and presentation to explain why "Mormons are not Christians". It reminds me of going into a Christian book store and finding a book on cults. I excitedly opened the book because I was thinking of the strange cults we've seen that have committed mass suicide following false prophets. The chapters read like main stream Christianity. Catholics, Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons, and Jehovah's Witnesses -- the list goes on but why? If someone believes in Christ and strives to live a Christ-like life from any religion or even non-religion, why would anyone put them down as non-Christian? And why would anyone tear someone's religion down?

Personally I have many Catholic, Seventh Day Adventist, Mormon, and Jehovah's Witnesses friends. I rejoice in their belief in our beloved Lord and Savior -- Jesus Christ. I enjoy their fresh point of view. And I find that even within my own religion no two people have a conjoined opinion of what the truth fully encompasses.

My Father belongs to a different religion. One day while attending one of his services he remarked, I can see that you will only be happy in your own religion. I thought about that all day -- I did not sing the songs, I did not enjoy the sermons, and I was hiding out in my own beliefs as if they were any better than anybody else's beliefs. I corrected that behavior. It was absurd. I attended some sing-a-longs with my Father and began enjoying his church, friends, and choices of worship. I did not give up my own beliefs but I gave back respect for my Father's beliefs.

That simple change changed our relationship. He could be more open and talk about his beliefs without feeling like judgment was about him. It is not about us and what we believe. Do we even have the capacity in this life to understand eternity? I think not. I think God is so great because he gives us all freedom of choice. I fundamentally believe that God touches all people from all cultures irregardless of gender, race, creed, or religion.

One book I've always loved to read is "The Religions of America" where each religion is given a chance to express their beliefs. In a nut shell -- it sheds the best light on their faith, their aspirations, and their hope in a future. Religious intolerance drove many people to an America that was founded on the freedom to worship how, where, and what they may. Intolerance did not disappear with the establishment of an American government. Intolerance continued in many forms. To our credit as a nation and as a society, we have grown to accept our neighbors much like Christ spoke about the Good Samaritan.

It is my hope and prayer that we will continue to set the standard for tolerance for all people irregardless of gender, race, creed, or religion. I'm always reminded of a wise man who once told me that "we should never talk against someone's faith because we might be successful and there might not be something to replace it."

Monday, January 19, 2009

2009 and A New President

It seems like forever but now the time is upon us -- the inaugural plays out in all of our minds as a new President is sworn in. President Barack Obama brings in an era of hope that the war in Iraq will come to an orderly close. He rises with the expectation that every American will be covered by health insurance. He comes at a time of near economic collapse where the choices are difficult and clouded by uncertainty. After many years of staying the course for oil imports, we finally have a glimmer of hope that alternative solutions will be allowed to entirely replace our excessive stripping of the land of non-renewable resources. We might actually stop funding terrorists globally and get back to the business of promoting freedom within our country.

However you see the last eight years, it is certain that they have left us trillions of dollars in debt and a continuing saga to solve the crisis with more trillions of dollars in debt. History has shown that a country can overspend and collapse. History has shown that a country can over extend and be weak from reaching too far. History has shown the struggles of many civilizations that thought they were invincible -- bigger than God so to speak.

America's strength lies in its allegience to the great creator that helped our founding fathers establish a more perfect union of states to ensure the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness to the people -- its citizens. I trust in that same divine strength to pull us through these hard times. I pray daily that our congressmen, judges, and members of the executive branch will be inspired to help lead us away from these difficulties.