Monday, January 19, 2009

2009 and A New President

It seems like forever but now the time is upon us -- the inaugural plays out in all of our minds as a new President is sworn in. President Barack Obama brings in an era of hope that the war in Iraq will come to an orderly close. He rises with the expectation that every American will be covered by health insurance. He comes at a time of near economic collapse where the choices are difficult and clouded by uncertainty. After many years of staying the course for oil imports, we finally have a glimmer of hope that alternative solutions will be allowed to entirely replace our excessive stripping of the land of non-renewable resources. We might actually stop funding terrorists globally and get back to the business of promoting freedom within our country.

However you see the last eight years, it is certain that they have left us trillions of dollars in debt and a continuing saga to solve the crisis with more trillions of dollars in debt. History has shown that a country can overspend and collapse. History has shown that a country can over extend and be weak from reaching too far. History has shown the struggles of many civilizations that thought they were invincible -- bigger than God so to speak.

America's strength lies in its allegience to the great creator that helped our founding fathers establish a more perfect union of states to ensure the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness to the people -- its citizens. I trust in that same divine strength to pull us through these hard times. I pray daily that our congressmen, judges, and members of the executive branch will be inspired to help lead us away from these difficulties.

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