I have decided to run against the president elected for numerous reasons.
Women voted for this man for the right to have contraceptives and abortions at will. Blacks voted for this man because they are proud to have the first black president. Gays voted for this man because he supports the union of same sex marriages. Many voted for this man because they could vote twice, vote for dead people, or even make their mark as they were driven to the polls by an alert team to drive people to the polls for their president. Many in the military had their vote put aside as the rules were bent to subvert their voting.
The president went on the road lying about what Romney said -- he got good at saying what his opponent never said. He created the best negative campaign in the history of our country. He ran on dividing us with class warfare. The president did what all tyrants do in history -- he lied to gain more power. He often placed the race card anytime he could to divide and conquer between women, blacks, democrats, latinos, gays, and many other groups. He is the most racist president we have ever had in office.
This president needs to be impeached for his fast and furious campaign where he brought American arms into the hands of dangerous cartels. He needs to be impeached for letting our ambassador die in Libya while selling arms to the Libya rebels. He needs to be impeached for obstruction of justice against several states in regard to their rights to regulate their own borders. He needs to be impeached for his impeding voter registration laws that would secure us from fraudulent voters. He needs to be impeached for increasing regulation of the environment without the oversight of congress. He needs to be impeached for creating a united front of The Muslim Brotherhood both around Israel and around our executive departments -- including the State Department. He needs to be reprimanded for placing voters at risk by letting off the black panthers who intimidate voters. He needs to be impeached for not upholding our constitution and calling for a change in our government.
Our government needs a new constitutional amendment that removes all czars, that places benefits of all government employees back to social security, that removes control of their salaries from their hands, that gives them the same insurance system that we have, and that requires our government to balance the budget each term or release all those that did not vote for a balanced budget at the end of the term. The federal reserve needs to be audited with new controls which prevents it from printing money without constraint. All government pensions need to be restored to the levels of our social security.
This president has had more people die in combat in 4 years than 8 years with the last break-the-bank president. Two irresponsible war-time executives have led us to more debt in the last four years than the combined debt of all presidents in our history. This president has spent more money than the Iraqi war every year for four years. President Obama's idea of paying down the debt is saving some trillions out of a ten year spending spree while spending over our physical budget ... all the while we are printing money. In the first four years of President Obama we printed 100 percent, then 200 percent, then started unlimited increments of $40 billion as needed -- unlimited printing of money. This will lead to crushing inflation. It was the policies of the federal reserve that led to the last great depression and we are repeating that story under President Obama.
The last three presidents have put in place policies that will break our country with great financial burdens. They have acted with "social justice" platitudes. Now we are hearing the rich will pay for it via taxes. The one percent already pay 40 percent of all taxes. The eleven percent already pay 70 percent of all taxes. If we were to take all of their income, the United States under the current budget would pay for 89 days of running ... barely three of the 12 months. If I made 40 million dollars a year, it would take me 25,000 years to save one trillion dollars if I saved every penny which is virtually impossible in both cases.
Redistribution of wealth has only worked in the past to enslave a people and create a tight ruling authority who manages the state for the people. It is called communism, fascism, Nazism, and socialism -- all of these systems did not work. All of these systems are a step down and our great economic engine is no longer working as crony capitalism engineered by President Obama has replaced good economic sense. All of these systems lead to chaos on our streets, murders of those who do not agree with the authorities, and mass murders of those who do not fit the authorities models. The people most hurt by these systems -- minorities including women, gays, religious groups, those who believe in freedom, and those who have money. Anyone can see the trend today in the Obama administration as they call down on certain groups -- Catholics, Tea Party enthusiasts, and the list goes on. Some times it is targeted when certain politicians get crushed by a controlled media who picks on them like Sarah Palin, Cain, or Michelle Bachmann.
Most children at first grade learn how to balance a budget. I taught Koch Industries to use an electronic calculator to instantly keep their branches and regions in sync so they could what if at the executive level. We need to do that today with our own federal budget. We are not beyond the capacity of a simple set of linked spread sheets across the budgets of every department. I had an engineer friend spend months trying to figure out the federal budget. He could not even find it all. It is like the billions the last break-the-bank president let go of in Iraq -- gone and not even missed. No one is watching the bank.
Many of the immigrants in our country are in shock over the loss of their newly found freedoms which are disappearing in the name of Homeland Security, Sustainable Development (Agenda 21), Global Warming, and other environmental issues. At the same time a number of globally strong pharmaceutical and chemical companies are moving to place stringent standards of standard accepted medical care, and standards in farming which guarantee huge profits for termination seeds and people placed on pills for long term care when organic and wholesome living would solved both problems.
It is time for solvency. It is time for integrity. It is time for American values to resurface. It is time to accept all Americans and work together towards solutions that fit the American Dream. It is time to unite and form a country that has transparency in government. It is time to restore limited powers in our federal government which is balanced and checked by all three institutions. It is time that the president answers to the electorate. It is time that congress passes a balanced budget and approves any money spent overseas in a public and open manner. It is time to remove the United Nations authority in our country through Agenda 21. It is time for our scientists to go forward with renewable solutions like paving our interstates with solar roadways and providing 3 times the electrical output that we currently use -- giving us a grid that will enable a hydrogen economy. This will give our government income that pays for our highways and provides a fault-tolerant distributable grid. The cost of projects is cheaper than R & D into areas that are best left for our capital investors. Let them create the new toys in their garages. It is time to release the stranglehold of ideology that surrounds progressiveness and give it the name it deserves -- tyranny.
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