Saturday, September 29, 2007

Class Dismissed

It is always hard when I don't have enough students for class. I was thinking why me, when I realized that it opens the door to do my classes better. Now I have more time to prepare them as a unit. I've been wanting to do it anyway.

For an hour I talked about the course and how it was an exciting course and please get more people to enroll into it next semester. I love to teach, it is a dream come true. Often I have heard people say that when you need to grow a teacher appears. It sounds much better than those who can not do, teach. Actually, I find teaching builds your skills because you have to know it better to explain it.

And who is the gardener here anyway?

1 comment:

JRS said...

This is going to give you a great opportunity to grow your 'core' business - get out and use your newfound (and newly certified) medical practice skills. You now have been granted the time to do it.