Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Invisible Barrior

Often inside the body we pass through invisible barriors. We become sick and do not know why. Still the trace of it is clear. Our runny nose, the headache, the fever, maybe there is a chill. The amazing journey is interrupted with a feeling of being out of place.

Coming back for that we shore up, get rest, adjust our lifestyle, and begin our recovery. Suddenly, we are back across that invisible barrior and all seems okay.

Thanks to my brother who also blogs. Check it out:


I think our thought life passes through similar barriors. We have definately achieved liftoff and begun to communicate clearly through time. Maybe that is the invisible barrior of our society as we struggle to find a voice in this sea of competing voices.

Somehow the rush of modern society has slowed again to the pace where we can shore up, get rest, adjust our lifestyle, and begin our recovery.

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