Saturday, September 22, 2012

Restore American Prosperity, Freedom, and Liberty

I remember being in a foreign country in 1973 and being on a list to be shot.  It seems a million years away because I never thought things like this would ever happen in America.  I had literally erased it from my mind.

The republic of Chile elected a president who believed in socialism.  He began a program of feeding children at school and other entitlements.  He changed the landscape of civil servants dismissing many who believed in God or who didn't belong to the socialist party.  He began redistributing the wealth by allowing the poor to claim vacant land and buildings.  He began taking away property in the name of the people.

Chile had established a constitution patterned after The United States Constitution.  They were a republic and enjoyed all the liberties of a capitalist society.  They had the highest level of literacy in South America and enjoyed the highest standard of living.  Anyone could work and own their own car.  Does that sound familiar?

I arrived in Chile about 2 years into this presidency.  The president eventually declared himself a marxist and began visiting Cuba and bringing in Russian and Cuban advisers.  The morality in the papers took a nose dive as it seemed anything was okay to print.  One had a hard time even looking at the news stands where the pages openly and flagrantly pressed immorality as the norm.

Teachers who believed in God or the Republic were dismissed.  Many men who stood for freedom and liberty as taught in the constitution went into hiding as the assassinations began to mount up monthly.  It was no longer safe to be members of the party that supported the constitution and a republic.

Even in the church congregations the people seemed to split into socialists and those who loved the constitutional republic with safeguards to their liberty and freedom.  I often heard "yankee go home."  There were moments of danger at times being American.  The country was in a crisis with deep divisions between people of different backgrounds.

Big pits were dug for people as graves and lists were made up for those who would be shot and killed on their liberation day.  I remember being part of a round up of suspected individuals who were being taken to an open field, shot, and dropped to the earth.  I was taken outside where others were being shot and dropped dead into pits.  I was one of the lucky ones who came out of that camp alive.

Soldiers on the streets marched with rifles in their hands pointing them straight ahead as if being ready to engage the enemy.  At one point the business people staged a boycott of buying and selling goods.  For over 30 days we had to survive on what was available at home.  A curfew at 2 P.M. kept people off the streets.  One would listen to the shots as those who broke the curfew were shot.  Bodies were picked up and carried off from those who challenged the authority of the state.

If you wanted land or a building, one simply displayed the Chilean flag and declared it in the name of the people -- your land or building.  That night often the real battle began with land owners or other squatters who felt they wanted the land more.  Blood flowed like a river and goods became scarce.  Long lines for simple products as bread, oil, rice, and meat were common.  The government granted houses with no sewage and little support for the community turned into great slum areas.

I literally knew people who were dying in this cause.  As a songwriter the songs I wrote in this period captured the conflict of ideas in pure feeling.  I did not dare share them because I was a guest in this country.

The Army took over the country the day before many of us were to be shot.  We were literally on a list to be shot including everyone in the home where I stayed.  It was the home of an ex-mayor who believed strongly in Liberty and Freedom through a republic.  He used to own 5 homes but had to choose only one in this redistribution of wealth.  In the rural areas he had land as far you one could see in all directions.  It was all taken away in the name of the people.

Chile eventually restored their republic back to representation of the people.  They are a model of how a republic recovers under the tyranny and blood letting of socialism.  Today they are fiscally sound.  They use private enterprise to fund their equivalent of medicare and social security which are solvent today.  Today private property is respected.

Today we are seeing a revolution dedicated towards redistributing wealth, changing our constitution, and creating a new America that is globally aligned with "social justice."  Using a ploy invented by a pair of communist professors at Columbia, ACORN, and other such organizations with government money have been striving to overwhelm our system by placing as many people on government welfare as possible.  The balance of power between executive, legislative, and judicial branches has been broken.  It is up to "we the people" to right this out of balance -- to vote those out who have taken moderate and progressive stances and allowed this government to become anti-American.

Rich and powerful men have bought out our media and the news no longer portrays what is real on the ground in America.  The dialogue is a love affair between the president of the United States and "hope and change" which is anything but hope and is leading us down the path of financial ruin.  Our paper supply has been increased 300 percent in the last 4 years.  Our banks are paid interest to hold over one trillion dollars of money by the Fed.  The interest rates are being held low.  Our definition of unemployment, inflation, and key indicators of our economy change to reflect the best side for the government.  Congress has not even tried to balance the budget for over 3 years.

I am advocating that you and your families read those who were part of the movement that broke off from these progressive politicians who have controlled our country for many years.  David Horowitz wrote a number of good pamphlets.  I simply bought all of them. They cover how progressives took power through illegal voter registration.  They show how progressives use government money to front community groups like ACORN that are dedicated to destroying America.  They show how the Muslim Brotherhood has gained a strong hold on America and are dedicated to defeating us from within.  The show the relationship of George Soros and his influence in the Democratic party.

See good movies which document what is happening.  The Tea Party shows how ordinary Americans stood up to President Obama in 2010 and elected enough patriots to congress to stop his agenda.  The movie 2016 gives a clear view of the roots of President Obama so one can understand why he makes the decisions he makes today.  The movie Agenda takes a look at the history of Progressives in American politics and shows the trail to the communist party and how they created an agenda and got it done.  It shows this President and his true agenda.  I Want Your Money is a movie which illustrates the differences between America with Reagan and America with Obama.  Buy these movies and share them with your friends.

It is time to stand up and be counted on the side of Liberty and Freedom through a constitutional republic which respects the rights and liberty of all citizens.  There has never been a utopian society that was not tyranny led by dictators who crushed their opponents and tightly controlled their citizens through arbitrary regulation.

I believe in conservation.  I believe in using renewable energy.  I believe in taking care of our planet.  We do not need to become a global society or a socialist nation to accomplish those goals.  Using regulation to limit access to resources is simply the wrong way to go about it.  Using a cap and trade system which sets up penalties and payments for polluting is absurd and the wrong direction.  Americans helped restore the idea of bio-intensive farming by preserving and spreading its ideas to over 109 nations.  Americans invented the idea of a solar roadway which could produce 3 times the amount of electricity that we currently produce simply by placing solar roadways on our interstate highways.  Americans invented the idea of hydrogen as a clean energy ... and solar roadways would set us up as an independent nation to become the first hydrogen economy.  These ideas would build on what we have done with fossil fuels and extend our influence to all nations by example.  This would show leadership in a free world where choice is paramount to success.

In the history of the world, the United States has not been a colonist nation.  They have sought freedom of each individual state where states have the latitude to produce programs tailored to their people.  The idea of a strong Federal Government was the opposite of what our founding fathers created.  It places us in a dangerous position where powerful men could tip the scales in their favor with their own brand of regulation.  I think we have seen enough of that under progressive presidents.  It is time to restore the ideas that made America great.  It is time to restore the American vision for prosperity, freedom, and liberty.

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