Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Legacy List

At Tandem Computers we had a 4 week vacation every four years in addition to our yearly vacation.  People made lists of where they wanted to go and what they wanted to do.  How cool is that?  A couple I'm close to made a similar list and did it all together including 200 miles of the John Meir trail.  Those bucket lists ignite our lives.

One other list I've been thinking about lately is the my life list -- the one we complete by being here.  I've often said there is nothing I have not done that I wanted to do in my life.  I simply put it on a list and do it.  Often it gets done daily. I love the simple phase "do it."  And I'd prefer to do it now.

I'm beginning to realize another list.  The deliverable list I want done by the end of my life.  It is the I've done it and here it is list.  It is not the list from your wife, your boss, your friend, or your mother.  This list is your legacy list.  It is something left when you are gone.

It helps to choose someone you admire and identify their legacy list.  Like President Reagan.  Amazing that he spoke so often on radio and left us a legacy of conservative speeches which promote liberty.  I guess I felt I didn't know Ronald Reagan until I read Riding with Reagan and felt the impact of his life at the ranch.  Here was a leader that would go to the ranch to work with his  hands and think.  He tried his best to do the right thing for our country through tried and true inspiration from the divine.

How about John Wayne ... most actors have a big legacy list in their films.  John Wayne always stood out as a no-nonsense kind of guy.  He believed in America and stood up for its principles.  He came across as a take charge kind of guy.  Everyone knows that walk ... a man's man.

Proverbs would say, in all thy getting get understanding.  I guess what I am saying is in all your listing get a bit of legacy going.  Those things we strive to complete and how we complete them add up.

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