Thursday, December 27, 2012

Living in Perilous Times

It is my hope that everyone is enjoying family all around you and thinking about all the lives you have touched -- thousands of people are influenced in our lifetime.

As I look at these perilous times when liberals have taken over both  parties and engineered a life that is slanted towards a global takeover, it occurs to me that we faced a similar battle in the halls of heaven where Satan gathered his forces and aligned them all with the slogan to "save us all" but in the background he clamored that God was to "give him all the glory."  So God chose his only begotten son to become the leader, the father of our world's creation, and the savior of all mankind.

In this year's election the Republican National Committee, RNC, forced the nomination of a "Mormon" who statistically showed that 35 percent of our population would not elect simply because he was a Latter Day Saint (IE Mormon).  They knew the election would be difficult, if not impossible, but rather than let a non-liberal in charge who would bring us back to a path of American values (liberty, justice, free markets, protection of the individual, ...) they chose the a liberal Mormon who architected a law that most conservatives are against.  The election was so close that any election engineering was ignored (bogus votes).  And it played into the hands of the liberal RNC and Democratic National Committee, DNC, who encourage this class fighting among Americans so they can do the dirty business behind the scenes of destroying us.

Reading in the Wall Street Journal which I am wont to do daily, I find John Kerry the architect of a South America which strengthened the Sandinista movement and promoted the birth of Communists in power.  His policies from our congressional committees continued to promote Cuban influence across a number of South American countries.  He is pushed forward to become our next Secretary of Defense.  That followed by Hillary Clinton who helped engineer a block of countries with the Muslim Brotherhood in power.  Now we face a united Arab world in Jihad-ism from an organization who created Hamas, Hezbollah, and Al-Qaeda.  Slowly but surely, as prophesied in the bible, the nations surrounding Israel in the last days are all strongly united with the same belief that they must by their religion destroy Israel.

In the WSJ I find the genesis of people in power justifying genetically modified foods, the destruction of family farms, the remaking of agriculture into larger conglomerates so they can feed 8 billion people.  They justify regulations which suppress, destroy and make a mockery of organic foods, meats, and products.  This class warfare is often based on lies.  It was the Chinese who first fed a billion people through bio-intensive farming which reclaimed soil and made it richer through composting.  Which created a cycle of renewal between the entire chain of food supply.  The farming in China using our methods destroyed thousands of acres of topsoil before they started to realize the danger.  The resurgence of organic farming which combined the best of the US farmer knowledge with Chinese model came out of Stanford University and spread now to over 109 countries.  It reduced the use of water by 60 percent.  It does without chemicals or pesticides.  Without natural predators the plants produced are carbohydrate rich and often devoid of essential minerals to human health.  Scientific studies show the organic diet verses our commercial food products is better for the health of the human population.  It is a healthy free market which increases the production of food, not simply raw numbers of yield per acre.  It is a tragic mistake to continue our prosecution of local farmers for not using termination seeds by Monsanto, for daring to compete with products the commercial producers make taboo for small farmers, for raising grass fed meat and bringing it to market.

The fiscal cliff created by a president who believed one trillion dollars in debt is no problem is continued by a president who continues to stubbornly blame the last president and spent as much as he can towards the same global realization of conflict.  Is it any wonder we spent 97 percent of our budget in FEMA building stockpiles, massive under ground structures which can survive nuclear warfare, and enough prison space to house over 1 million of our citizens?  The most popular trends in the United States today are:  buying guns, ammunition, survival gear, food, energy independence articles, underground bunkers, and books on the conflict including a huge resurgence in material supporting American values stemming from the founding fathers of our country.

How many vacations can one president take?  How many communists and Muslim brotherhood leaders and sympathizers can one president put in office?  How many paid assistants does the first lady need?  Apparently 28 is not enough for this first lady as our schools are finding out that there is tons of new regulation from the hidden work of Michelle.

Even as I write this I know I helped develop the engine created by IEWild (bought up by a billion dollar corporation, bought out by a multi-billion dollar corporation, sold to the FBI and other skunk works) which does the analysis of Terra-bytes in parallel across our financial, telephone, e-mail, and social website data for any information which the government concludes is in their best interest to know.

I believe in the core values of America and that they were inspired of God.  I believe America was chosen much like the people of Israel to rise up in the last days and be the last bastion of freedom on earth as an example to all, as an inspiration to all.  Our Soviet press calls Obama a communists and says "we tried that and it did not work for us" and our press doesn't even mention it.  It is time to stand up and be counted for what is important and not participate in this class warfare.  It is time not to be enslaved by debt.  It is time to return to a free market.  It is time to move away from the dole that has become the standard way of caring for our nation.

Christians who believe in God and Jesus are all Christians no matter what their denomination.  Good people everywhere independent of their belief recognize the critical foundation of the independent spirit brought about by free markets, free competition, and the allocation of resources by a republic which protects the rights of an individual.

I would be proud to be called a Catholic, a Jehovah's Witness, a Seven Day Adventist, a Christian Scientist, or a Mormon.  All considered as cults by many of the so called mainstream Christian organizations.  The more we have faith dividing us, the harder we will fall.  This election is a primary example where so many people of the Christian faith refused to vote for either side.  What a Mormon or a communist?  How do you choose when you believe in cults?

I look forward to releasing products this year which extoll the virtues of love, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  I look forward to releasing a few technical books which extoll the virtues of finding cures of disease not simply research for big conglomerates to bury beneath their drug releases.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Growing Alternatives in Health

Health is not something we take for granted.  It is hard earned.  It is easy to lose slowly, and one day we simply feel fatigue -- rest no longer suffices.

Look at the alternatives in life.  They are there and almost in every paper, magazine, and book.

Nutrition is exploding.  Studies abound in its ability to lift our live back to normal.  Companies exist which pre-digest and stock all necessary components of nutrition so that we can recover.  If you are desperate, look for these!

Modalities are exploding.  It is hard not to find them.

It is no longer simply do exercise.  There is meditation, yoga, Pilates, tai chi chuan, qi qong, and the list goes on and on.  Go get a tape and learn something you can do.  If that fails try something else.  There has never been this deluge of choices.

It is no longer simply go to the doctor.  There are acupuncturists, massage therapists, reflexologists, chiropractors, osteopaths, naturopaths, doctors who believe in preventative or restorative medicine, nutritionalists, herbalists, and the lists go on and on.

It is no long simply use this system.  There are many technologies on the market which mimic years of understanding in restoring health through far infrared heat, through lasers, through irradiation, through diet, through fasting, through detoxification therapies.  Even the idea of posture has changed so that many people have become posture experts and our posture leads to good health.

Work the health from the inside out with nutrition and diet, with positive thinking and the balancing of the energy of the body.  Work the body from the outside in with posture, exercise, movement, baths, rest, and restoration from nature itself -- look at all of what nature has to offer between the sun and our planet!

Don't give up.  Google what others have done to get back to health.  There is a revolution in health that has moved from doing what we need to treat disease to doing what we need to maintain a healthy body.  Focus on what it takes to be healthy.  Any symptom should be telling you something -- listen to them.

Energy -- is it too low?

Sleep -- do you wake rested?

Are you hot or cold?

Do you sweat at odd times like at night or during the day without reason?

Are you hungry to eat and thirsty to drink?

How is your digestion?  Any bloating, gas, distention or pain?

Is your elimination regular?

Does the periodic flows within your body as a women happen regularly and easily?

Any issues on the eyes, ears, nose or throat?

Are you in pain?

I recently read the history of one of the best healing centers in the United States.  They often found success when others failed.  They looked at the whole person.  They treated holistically.  They pioneered new techniques in many areas while solving difficult cases.  Still, they simply restored function through mostly good nutrition and lifestyle.

Election of President Obama

I have decided to run against the president elected for numerous reasons.

Women voted for this man for the right to have contraceptives and abortions at will.  Blacks voted for this man because they are proud to have the first black president.  Gays voted for this man because he supports the union of same sex marriages.  Many voted for this man because they could vote twice, vote for dead people, or even make their mark as they were driven to the polls by an alert team to drive people to the polls for their president.  Many in the military had their vote put aside as the rules were bent to subvert their voting.

The president went on the road lying about what Romney said -- he got good at saying what his opponent never said.  He created the best negative campaign in the history of our country.  He ran on dividing us with class warfare.  The president did what all tyrants do in history -- he lied to gain more power.  He often placed the race card anytime he could to divide and conquer between women, blacks, democrats, latinos, gays, and many other groups.  He is the most racist president we have ever had in office.

This president needs to be impeached for his fast and furious campaign where he brought American arms into the hands of dangerous cartels.  He needs to be impeached for letting our ambassador die in Libya while selling arms to the Libya rebels.  He needs to be impeached for obstruction of justice against several states in regard to their rights to regulate their own borders.  He needs to be impeached for his impeding voter registration laws that would secure us from fraudulent voters.  He needs to be impeached for increasing regulation of the environment without the oversight of congress.  He needs to be impeached for creating a united front of The Muslim Brotherhood both around Israel and around our executive departments -- including the State Department.  He needs to be reprimanded for placing voters at risk by letting off the black panthers who intimidate voters.  He needs to be impeached for not upholding our constitution and calling for a change in our government.

Our government needs a new constitutional amendment that removes all czars, that places benefits of all government employees back to social security, that removes control of their salaries from their hands, that gives them the same insurance system that we have, and that requires our government to balance the budget each term or release all those that did not vote for a balanced budget at the end of the term.  The federal reserve needs to be audited with new controls which prevents it from printing money without constraint.  All government pensions need to be restored to the levels of our social security.

This president has had more people die in combat in 4 years than 8 years with the last break-the-bank president.  Two irresponsible war-time executives have led us to more debt in the last four years than the combined debt of all presidents in our history.  This president has spent more money than the Iraqi war every year for four years.  President Obama's idea of paying down the debt is saving some trillions out of a ten year spending spree while spending over our physical budget ... all the while we are printing money.  In the first four years of President Obama we printed 100 percent, then 200 percent, then started unlimited increments of $40 billion as needed -- unlimited printing of money.  This will lead to crushing inflation.  It was the policies of the federal reserve that led to the last great depression and we are repeating that story under President Obama.

The last three presidents have put in place policies that will break our country with great financial burdens.  They have acted with "social justice" platitudes.  Now we are hearing the rich will pay for it via taxes.  The one percent already pay 40 percent of all taxes.  The eleven percent already pay 70 percent of all taxes.  If we were to take all of their income, the United States under the current budget would pay for 89 days of running ... barely three of the 12 months.  If I made 40 million dollars a year, it would take me 25,000 years to save one trillion dollars if I saved every penny which is virtually impossible in both cases.

Redistribution of wealth has only worked in the past to enslave a people and create a tight ruling authority who manages the state for the people.  It is called communism, fascism, Nazism, and socialism -- all of these systems did not work.  All of these systems are a step down and our great economic engine is no longer working as crony capitalism engineered by President Obama has replaced good economic sense.  All of these systems lead to chaos on our streets, murders of those who do not agree with the authorities, and mass murders of those who do not fit the authorities models.  The people most hurt by these systems -- minorities including women, gays, religious groups, those who believe in freedom, and those who have money.  Anyone can see the trend today in the Obama administration as they call down on certain groups -- Catholics, Tea Party enthusiasts, and the list goes on.  Some times it is targeted when certain politicians get crushed by a controlled media who picks on them like Sarah Palin, Cain, or Michelle Bachmann.

Most children at first grade learn how to balance a budget.  I taught Koch Industries to use an electronic calculator to instantly keep their branches and regions in sync so they could what if at the executive level.  We need to do that today with our own federal budget.  We are not beyond the capacity of a simple set of linked spread sheets across the budgets of every department.  I had an engineer friend spend months trying to figure out the federal budget.  He could not even find it all.  It is like the billions the last break-the-bank president let go of in Iraq -- gone and not even missed.  No one is watching the bank.

Many of the immigrants in our country are in shock over the loss of their newly found freedoms which are disappearing in the name of Homeland Security, Sustainable Development (Agenda 21), Global Warming, and other environmental issues.  At the same time a number of globally strong pharmaceutical and chemical companies are moving to place stringent standards of standard accepted medical care, and standards in farming which guarantee huge profits for termination seeds and people placed on pills for long term care when organic and wholesome living would solved both problems.

It is time for solvency.  It is time for integrity.  It is time for American values to resurface.  It is time to accept all Americans and work together towards solutions that fit the American Dream.  It is time to unite and form a country that has transparency in government.  It is time to restore limited powers in our federal government which is balanced and checked by all three institutions.  It is time that the president answers to the electorate.  It is time that congress passes a balanced budget and approves any money spent overseas in a public and open manner.  It is time to remove the United Nations authority in our country through Agenda 21.  It is time for our scientists to go forward with renewable solutions like paving our interstates with solar roadways and providing 3 times the electrical output that we currently use -- giving us a grid that will enable a hydrogen economy.  This will give our government income that pays for our highways and provides a fault-tolerant distributable grid.  The cost of projects is cheaper than R & D into areas that are best left for our capital investors.  Let them create the new toys in their garages.  It is time to release the stranglehold of ideology that surrounds progressiveness and give it the name it deserves -- tyranny.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Turning the Economy and the Nation Around

We need to build intelligent highways on the interstate -- Solar Roadways.  We need to do it now -- stop all current roadway upgrades and move towards roadways that pay us back.  Yes, we the people can have a revenue stream from the same dollars currently spent on upgrading our roads.  That money will be spent either way.  Solar Roadways is a no brainer choice.

We're barely keeping up with the costs of maintaining our roads and bridges as it is, and the cost of construction materials is skyrocketing. New materials and technologies have to be found to replace our current archaic system.
The Solar Roadway is an intelligent road that provides clean renewable energy, while providing safer driving conditions, along with power and data delivery. The Solar Roadway will pay for itself through the generation of electricity along with other forms of revenue. The same money that is being used to build and resurface current roads can be used to build the Solar Roadways. Then, since coal-fired and nuclear power plants will no longer be needed, the costs of all electricity generation plants can also be rolled back into the Solar Roadways. Add too the costs of power distribution systems (power poles, relay stations, etc.)

The power of intelligent highways is that we create a fault tolerant, distributable grid which is the basis of a hydrogen economy.  This takes us into the next century ...

The power grid cannot be disrupted - not by terrorists, not by power companies, not by nature, not by anyone. No more blackouts, no more brownouts, no more disruptions - ever.

Funding for highway repair and improvements hasn't kept up with rising construction and maintenance costs, which have far outstripped the overall inflation rate. Higher oil prices have raised the cost of asphalt and the diesel fuel needed to power road-building equipment.

Americans need to face the sobering reality that the country's infrastructure is in trouble. Most of it was built in the 20th century, during the greatest age of construction the world has seen. The continent was wired for electricity and phone service, and colossal projects, including the Hoover Dam, the Golden Gate Bridge and the interstate highway system, were completed.
We're leasing our roads to foreign investors, who plan to turn them into toll roads. Loaded with investor cash, companies are buying leases of public highways, bridges and tunnels from states desperately trying to improve infrastructure.
Chicago enriched its treasury by $1.8 billion by selling a 99-year lease of the Chicago Skyway to Spanish roads operator Cintra and Australian bank Macquarie. At about the same time, Texas bagged $1.2 billion to let a Cintra-led consortium build the first part of the Trans-Texas Corridor and collect tolls on it for 50 years.
"U.S. infrastructure needs lots and lots of capital, and it's not obvious where all that money is going to come from." Murray Bleach, President of Macquarie Holdings, USA.

Is that the answer ... leasing of roads to become toll roads to move about the country?  Or how about another trillion to update our system with no hope of getting that money back?

Our roads can become the safety net ...

The nation's highway transportation system includes 3.8 million miles of roadways and 582,000 bridges. Significantly, the highway system supports 86 percent of all our citizens' personal travel, moves 80 percent of the nation's freight (based on value), and serves as a key component in national defense mobility. Despite widespread redundancies, there are critical junctures with limited capacity for additional traffic. Freight volume is projected to double by 2020, stretching our ability to manage limited capacity and growing security concerns.
"Security concerns" includes terrorism. We've all seen the news reports about suicide bombers boarding crowded buses and detonating themselves. Vehicles such as fuel trucks are also potential targets.
Currently, it's difficult to track these vehicles, other than by radio. The Solar Roadways form a wide area network, with each individual Solar Road Panel containing a microprocessor board with its own address. Think of the Solar Roadways as the internet, with each individual Solar Road Panel acting as an online computer. If we place RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags on high-risk vehicles that we want to track, the Solar Roadways would track them in real time and we'd always know exactly where they were at all times.

Roads literally become the power grid ...

Our current power grid is based on centralized power stations. Distribution of power is handled through transmission lines (overhead and underground), relay stations, and transformers. When a line goes down (ice, lighting, wind, tress, utility pole hit by car, etc.), everyone on the wrong end of the line loses power until the damage is repaired. If a power station goes down, an entire section of the country goes dark.

The Solar Roadways™ on the other hand, replaces all current centralized power stations including coal- and nuclear-powered electricity generation plants. With the Solar Roadways™, the road becomes the power grid, eliminating the need for unsightly utility poles and relay stations. Power is generated everywhere - every road, parking lot, and driveway. No more power outages, roaming or otherwise.

Solar Roadways produces a new grid that has no central point of weakness.  Every part of it auto-configures around failures like fault-tolerant computers.  All remaining parts are still plugged into the grid and working to provide power with alternate routing.  I worked on fault tolerant computers for over 10 years, this is a great design.

Our decentralized power grid will deny terrorists an opportunity to take out our power. Making oil reserves spread further with no need of imports will take away the vast majority of terrorist funding. This eliminates the need to protect our oil interests in hostile lands.

Smart roads bring new flexibility in how transportation moves ...
Trucks with hazardous materials can be tracked and monitored. Suspected terrorist's vehicles can be tracked. Public buses and school buses can be tracked. All in real time. These vehicles can be fitted with controls to shut down their engines and/or apply their brakes in the event that they are commandeered with malintent.
This solution gives zero dependence on foreign oil.

The fact that the world is running out of oil doesn't mean that the industrialized nations will simply learn to live without it. Those who are capable will fight for the last drop of oil, anyplace, anywhere. We don't believe that any of us are willing to mothball our military machines or revert back to non-mechanized artillery units. World War III could easily ensue over the right to extract and use the last reserves of oil.

Check out Solar Roadways -- they solve the problem and give government a revenue from basic electrical power.  They give businesses the ability to plug into the grid with Wind, Solar, and other means to keep the grid evenly balanced.  It removes the need to have sophisticated solar power -- older technology is sufficient.  It produces 3 times the amount of electrical power currently used today.  It sets us up to use electric vehicles and to generate hydrogen as a fuel for defense.  American inventors have created these solutions.  Look at

Since we'll be producing three times more electricity than we can use (see Numbers), we'll have no further need for nuclear power plants of any kind. No more worrying about another Chernobyl or Three Mile Island. No more stockpiles of radioactive waste. We can provide Solar Road Panels™ anywhere in the world, helping all countries achieve the dream of security.

We as a country should be buying Solar Roadways and putting them in place rather than investing in pork projects across our country -- or in the latest research ... let Wall Street make the cutting edge decisions (also known as the bleeding edge).  That is how fortunes are lost and won in the market which is a good thing.

the Solar Roadways™ provides us (and other nations) national security that we have never been able to achieve. It can help curb terrorism. It can help prevent future wars. It can keep our children safer. It will cut down on health and respiratory problems. The Solar Roadway™ will help us to sleep better at night!

Investing in this new infrastructure no only makes sense but will keep us safe.

for roughly the same cost of the current systems (roads and fossil fuel burning electricity generation plants), the Solar Roadways can be implemented. Unlike current road systems, it will pay for itself over time. No more Global Warming. No more power outages (roaming or otherwise). Safer driving conditions. Far less pollution. A new secure highway infrastructure that pays for itself. A decentralized, self-healing, secure power grid. No more dependency on foreign oil.  Scott Brusaw

Healing Vibrations

It has been too long since health care in the United States was politically locked into Western Medicine.  Alternatives throughout the world have proven to be effective.  Other models of medicine are in common use in larger sets of people than western medicine.  Acupuncture serves as a primary care physician for more than a billion people in the world.  And, yet, there are many more.  Ayurveda medicine, various types of massage, trigger point therapies, essential oil therapy, cupping, coining, chiropractic care, and the list is voluminous.

Today we find doctors forming wellness centers and exploring alternative medicine only to brand their system as unique and effective under their own name.  They often base these systems on proven medical systems outside of the United States.  In certain areas like Cancer, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, and other difficult to treat diseases -- alternative treatments in the United States are severely punished and end up in courts.  This is not because they are any less effective than Western Medicine or any less proven.  In many cases the amount of studies and scientific evidence is far greater in the alternative side of medicine.  In many cases there are cures and treatments which are more effective and are in common use outside of the United States.

For anyone to use the word "cure" is an immediate flag for our medical establishment to go after this treatment's administrators as quacks and to pull them into court.  For anyone to advertise is an invitation for suits and legal harassment in a country born of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of choice.

Somehow doctors have used vaccines and drugs and advertise them as cures or treatments.  Slowly herbs have been introduced into to our pharmaceuticals and now are in common usage in any pharmacy in the United States.  Read the labels of many products and they are often herbal based.  I am amazed.  The truth is that many early drugs were based on an herb.  To the Chinese they called these substances medicines because they included anything that healed or helped resolve conditions.  It could be minerals, bugs, excrement, herbs, or burn hair or anything that was found effective as a medicine.  The Chinese systematically categorized, tested, and propagated cures and treatments.

So many of these choices today are done in a free speech platform.  You read about it.  You buy it.  You try it.  It leaves many who can afford this process to buy into solution.  And some of those simply go to clinics outside of the United States.  Case in point Sano Vive in Mexico was created by a billionaire scientist who created viral research and became a proponent of vitamin therapies.  He bought an old estate in Mexico and set it up as a hospital.  He had to be in a country where they have the freedom to do alternative therapies outside of the medical establishment.

I personally like the spread of healing vibrations throughout our country.  Reiki is a good example.  Yoga, tai chi chuan, meditation, qi qong, and many other practices allow one to align the body physically, mentally, spiritually, and energetically.  There are a series of physical devices which do the same.  Infra-red light, Far infra-red rays, ultra-violet light applied to blood, electrical stimulation, micro-electrical stimulation, crystals, light itself, movement devices, and the list goes on.

Healing vibrations can bring our body back into harmony so that it may heal itself.  Within our bodies we have the perfect healing mechanisms that were created to keep us healthy.  Personally I use alternative health as a way of life to keep healthy.  I believe in it and support it.  I maintain a practice in Oriental Medicine.  I am always looking for the next idea which may improve or help our health.

I recommend to anyone with a health problem that is not resolved to pursue all lines of activity and seek out solutions throughout the world which have been found effective.  Imagine my surprise when I read that vitiligo is treated in China by injections of a common herb with over a 60 percent success rate.  Many, many other treatments are available for those that seek to know.

The approaches to cancer in the United States are no longer surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.  The list is so long it is beyond any one article.  Even in the medical community today, the choices are a wide array of choices.  Be sure and read everything you can on any physical malady before giving up.  And include in your journey towards health a number of healing vibration choices.  They will make any recovery a smoother process.

Business on its own Merit

I want to see business ideas that hold merit on their own -- not government handouts. I worked at Sequana Therapeutics where an entrepreneur was creating about his 30th start up.  He did over 50 start ups in his career.  I remember being in the room when he asked for business proposals from the group.  When he went over them, they all seemed to be government grants for money.  He dismissed the meeting with this comment ... I want to see business ideas that hold merit on their own -- not government handouts.  Please come back with some new proposals.  I think about our intention as a country when we attempt to stimulate the economy and dump billions into campaign contributor's pockets.  That is crony capitalism verses business on its own merit.  How we think does make a difference.

Intelligent Highways

We need to build intelligent highways on the interstate -- Solar Roadways.  We need to do it now -- stop all current roadway upgrades and move towards roadways that pay us back.  Yes, we the people can have a revenue stream from the same dollars currently spent on upgrading our roads.  That money will be spent either way.  Solar Roadways is a no brainer choice.

We're barely keeping up with the costs of maintaining our roads and bridges as it is, and the cost of construction materials is skyrocketing. New materials and technologies have to be found to replace our current archaic system.
The Solar Roadway is an intelligent road that provides clean renewable energy, while providing safer driving conditions, along with power and data delivery. The Solar Roadway will pay for itself through the generation of electricity along with other forms of revenue. The same money that is being used to build and resurface current roads can be used to build the Solar Roadways. Then, since coal-fired and nuclear power plants will no longer be needed, the costs of all electricity generation plants can also be rolled back into the Solar Roadways. Add too the costs of power distribution systems (power poles, relay stations, etc.)

The power of intelligent highways is that we create a fault tolerant, distributable grid which is the basis of a hydrogen economy.  This takes us into the next century ...

The power grid cannot be disrupted - not by terrorists, not by power companies, not by nature, not by anyone. No more blackouts, no more brownouts, no more disruptions - ever.

Funding for highway repair and improvements hasn't kept up with rising construction and maintenance costs, which have far outstripped the overall inflation rate. Higher oil prices have raised the cost of asphalt and the diesel fuel needed to power road-building equipment.

Americans need to face the sobering reality that the country's infrastructure is in trouble. Most of it was built in the 20th century, during the greatest age of construction the world has seen. The continent was wired for electricity and phone service, and colossal projects, including the Hoover Dam, the Golden Gate Bridge and the interstate highway system, were completed.
We're leasing our roads to foreign investors, who plan to turn them into toll roads. Loaded with investor cash, companies are buying leases of public highways, bridges and tunnels from states desperately trying to improve infrastructure.
Chicago enriched its treasury by $1.8 billion by selling a 99-year lease of the Chicago Skyway to Spanish roads operator Cintra and Australian bank Macquarie. At about the same time, Texas bagged $1.2 billion to let a Cintra-led consortium build the first part of the Trans-Texas Corridor and collect tolls on it for 50 years.
"U.S. infrastructure needs lots and lots of capital, and it's not obvious where all that money is going to come from." Murray Bleach, President of Macquarie Holdings, USA.

Is that the answer ... leasing of roads to become toll roads to move about the country?  Or how about another trillion to update our system with no hope of getting that money back?

Our roads can become the safety net ...

The nation's highway transportation system includes 3.8 million miles of roadways and 582,000 bridges. Significantly, the highway system supports 86 percent of all our citizens' personal travel, moves 80 percent of the nation's freight (based on value), and serves as a key component in national defense mobility. Despite widespread redundancies, there are critical junctures with limited capacity for additional traffic. Freight volume is projected to double by 2020, stretching our ability to manage limited capacity and growing security concerns.
"Security concerns" includes terrorism. We've all seen the news reports about suicide bombers boarding crowded buses and detonating themselves. Vehicles such as fuel trucks are also potential targets.
Currently, it's difficult to track these vehicles, other than by radio. The Solar Roadways form a wide area network, with each individual Solar Road Panel containing a microprocessor board with its own address. Think of the Solar Roadways as the internet, with each individual Solar Road Panel acting as an online computer. If we place RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags on high-risk vehicles that we want to track, the Solar Roadways would track them in real time and we'd always know exactly where they were at all times.

Roads literally become the power grid ...

Our current power grid is based on centralized power stations. Distribution of power is handled through transmission lines (overhead and underground), relay stations, and transformers. When a line goes down (ice, lighting, wind, tress, utility pole hit by car, etc.), everyone on the wrong end of the line loses power until the damage is repaired. If a power station goes down, an entire section of the country goes dark.

The Solar Roadways™ on the other hand, replaces all current centralized power stations including coal- and nuclear-powered electricity generation plants. With the Solar Roadways™, the road becomes the power grid, eliminating the need for unsightly utility poles and relay stations. Power is generated everywhere - every road, parking lot, and driveway. No more power outages, roaming or otherwise.

Solar Roadways produces a new grid that has no central point of weakness.  Every part of it auto-configures around failures like fault-tolerant computers.  All remaining parts are still plugged into the grid and working to provide power with alternate routing.  I worked on fault tolerant computers for over 10 years, this is a great design.

Our decentralized power grid will deny terrorists an opportunity to take out our power. Making oil reserves spread further with no need of imports will take away the vast majority of terrorist funding. This eliminates the need to protect our oil interests in hostile lands.

Smart roads bring new flexibility in how transportation moves ...

Trucks with hazardous materials can be tracked and monitored. Suspected terrorist's vehicles can be tracked. Public buses and school buses can be tracked. All in real time. These vehicles can be fitted with controls to shut down their engines and/or apply their brakes in the event that they are commandeered with malintent.
This solution gives zero dependence on foreign oil.

The fact that the world is running out of oil doesn't mean that the industrialized nations will simply learn to live without it. Those who are capable will fight for the last drop of oil, anyplace, anywhere. We don't believe that any of us are willing to mothball our military machines or revert back to non-mechanized artillery units. World War III could easily ensue over the right to extract and use the last reserves of oil.

Check out Solar Roadways -- they solve the problem and give government a revenue from basic electrical power.  They give businesses the ability to plug into the grid with Wind, Solar, and other means to keep the grid evenly balanced.  It removes the need to have sophisticated solar power -- older technology is sufficient.  It produces 3 times the amount of electrical power currently used today.  It sets us up to use electric vehicles and to generate hydrogen as a fuel for defense.  American inventors have created these solutions.  Look at

Since we'll be producing three times more electricity than we can use (see Numbers), we'll have no further need for nuclear power plants of any kind. No more worrying about another Chernobyl or Three Mile Island. No more stockpiles of radioactive waste. We can provide Solar Road Panels™ anywhere in the world, helping all countries achieve the dream of security.

We as a country should be buying Solar Roadways and putting them in place rather than investing in pork projects across our country -- or in the latest research ... let Wall Street make the cutting edge decisions (also known as the bleeding edge).  That is how fortunes are lost and won in the market which is a good thing.

the Solar Roadways™ provides us (and other nations) national security that we have never been able to achieve. It can help curb terrorism. It can help prevent future wars. It can keep our children safer. It will cut down on health and respiratory problems. The Solar Roadway™ will help us to sleep better at night!

Investing in this new infrastructure no only makes sense but will keep us safe.

for roughly the same cost of the current systems (roads and fossil fuel burning electricity generation plants), the Solar Roadways can be implemented. Unlike current road systems, it will pay for itself over time. No more Global Warming. No more power outages (roaming or otherwise). Safer driving conditions. Far less pollution. A new secure highway infrastructure that pays for itself. A decentralized, self-healing, secure power grid. No more dependency on foreign oil.  Scott Brusaw

The Legacy List

At Tandem Computers we had a 4 week vacation every four years in addition to our yearly vacation.  People made lists of where they wanted to go and what they wanted to do.  How cool is that?  A couple I'm close to made a similar list and did it all together including 200 miles of the John Meir trail.  Those bucket lists ignite our lives.

One other list I've been thinking about lately is the my life list -- the one we complete by being here.  I've often said there is nothing I have not done that I wanted to do in my life.  I simply put it on a list and do it.  Often it gets done daily. I love the simple phase "do it."  And I'd prefer to do it now.

I'm beginning to realize another list.  The deliverable list I want done by the end of my life.  It is the I've done it and here it is list.  It is not the list from your wife, your boss, your friend, or your mother.  This list is your legacy list.  It is something left when you are gone.

It helps to choose someone you admire and identify their legacy list.  Like President Reagan.  Amazing that he spoke so often on radio and left us a legacy of conservative speeches which promote liberty.  I guess I felt I didn't know Ronald Reagan until I read Riding with Reagan and felt the impact of his life at the ranch.  Here was a leader that would go to the ranch to work with his  hands and think.  He tried his best to do the right thing for our country through tried and true inspiration from the divine.

How about John Wayne ... most actors have a big legacy list in their films.  John Wayne always stood out as a no-nonsense kind of guy.  He believed in America and stood up for its principles.  He came across as a take charge kind of guy.  Everyone knows that walk ... a man's man.

Proverbs would say, in all thy getting get understanding.  I guess what I am saying is in all your listing get a bit of legacy going.  Those things we strive to complete and how we complete them add up.


"Give me Liberty or Give Me Death" said Patrick Henry. We live in a time with treason in the highest halls of our government and we need those who will hold their actions to the light. Anyone who supports Occupy Wall Street is calling for anarchy in our streets. Anyone in our government who asks for socialism and a tightly controlled capitalism model to replace our constitution is committing an act of treason and needs to be impeached. Anyone in our government who would give away islands belonging to a sovereign state (Alaska) without permission of the People needs to be impeached. Anyone who would give 1.5 billion dollars to the enemies of our nation (Muslim Brotherhood are Jihadists and were thrown out of every Muslim nation for that reason) needs to be impeached. Anyone who would call out the actions of one single individual and call it racist and incite riots in our streets is being irresponsible and inciting others to be racist themselves. The facts in any case need to be gleaned before making snap judgements. Our constitutional republic is not mobocracy or even democracy. It is a republic which preserves our freedom when those sworn to uphold it obey its principles.

It is time for us all to say, "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!"  It is time to clean house across all of our branches of government.

Valley Forge Today

George Washington retreated to Valley Forge for safety in the winters during the revolutionary war.  History remembers 10,000 troops settling in tents in a freezing winter.  4,000 of them without blankets and many without shoes.  2,000 never receive blankets though they managed to build small barracks housing 12 soldiers each.  2,500 of them died that winter.  America's Valley Forge ended with more troops than they started.  They were ready to fight and disciplined for war despite the hardships.

Benjamin Franklin wrote George Washington from France, "you would, on this side of the sea, enjoy the great reputation you have acquired.  I frequently hear the old generals of this martial country, who study maps of America and mark upon them all your operations, speak with sincere approbation and great applause of your conduct, and join in giving you the character of one of the greatest captains of the age."

Washington himself wrote after Valley Forge, "grateful thanks due to the great Author of all the care and good that have been extended in relieving us in difficulties and distress."

Martha Washington visited her husband in every winter of the campaign.  She arrived in Valley Forge with carriages full of clothing, medicine, and blankets.  She organized other women to help.  She repaired torn clothes and acted proving medical relief.

There needs to be a return to the common sense and American values delivered from Valley Forge -- forged in blood, tears, and agony.  We need to treat our tax dollars as a sacred trust.  We need to restore confidence in the American institutions that got us here.  We need to rely on the "invisible hand of providence" to deliver us from our "difficulties and distress."

We need to remove the huge staffs of congress and in the executive branch.  We need to restore our freedom to have a fair jury.  We need to restore our rights as American citizens to freedom of religion in the manner set up by our founding fathers.  We need a free press and to remove the right of the government to block it in any circumstances.  We need to remove regulations which govern by oppression.  We need a fair tax, not a progressive tax which is a hallmark of communist regimes.  A good start would be the list in the book, "Throw Them All Out", which suggests solutions in a few pages of how to remove greed and graft from Washington.

George Washington continued his Valley Forge as he took oversight in the building of our nation -- both the constitution and the presidency.  His greatest enemy was Muslim nations who took 25 percent of all of our tax dollars as ransom for us to free them from slavery.  He established the marines and a navy and sent them over to fight again for our right to a free market on the open seas.

Today our free market system and the inalienable rights preserved by the republic's constitution mean something only to the degree that we still follow them.  They have held us in good stead for many years.  Our nation started out restoring freedom to those slaves who were sold into our country as slave labor.  Two of the signers of the declaration of independence were black.  The heritage of being American was bought in blood by all of us.  It is time we vote in representatives that believe in our own form of government.

Obama shifts view of Modern Presidential Power

According the Wall Street Journal, President Barack Obama has fundamentally shifted his view of Modern Presidential Power and is rallying public opinion to his side.  No, he is not.  Someone must begin to ask why FEMA spends less than 7 percent of its budget on emergencies and falls under homeland security.

Okay, what is this modern presidential power.  Is it executive orders, czars outside of congressional control, governing by regulations outside of congress, and appointing justices who are socialists and communists?  Has he moved away from that ... no.  A vote for Barack Obama is a vote to redistribute the wealth in our country, to update the constitution to reflect social justice and controlled capitalism, and a cradle to grave welfare system that takes over the control of keeping our children indoctrinated with the new welfare state.  It includes unions that have begun to openly say that communism is their end goal.  If you do not believe this then you have not been listening to his speeches.  He means to redistribute the wealth, to tax the wealthy, to insure that everyone has cradle to grave rights in education, jobs, health care, and to eliminate any hate speech that goes against said policies.  It is all there.

A Comprehensive List Of Obama's Executive Orders 

Note: here is a link to current executive orders ... I find the executive order numbers simply do not match with Laurie Roth's documents.  And I find the executive orders put out by the president are usually specific to his plans which often circumvent congress.  Although many pertain to national security, it would take several days to wade through them.  The early ones attempt to provide greater access to documents within the White House.  Today he takes an opposite approach and often blocks congress from seeing vital documents ... the 80 boxes of information on the Project, for example, which detail The Muslim Brotherhood's plan to take over American internally.  Or even the fast and furious documentation has been blocked.  Note these are the orders that are not classified:

Restore American Prosperity, Freedom, and Liberty

I remember being in a foreign country in 1973 and being on a list to be shot.  It seems a million years away because I never thought things like this would ever happen in America.  I had literally erased it from my mind.

The republic of Chile elected a president who believed in socialism.  He began a program of feeding children at school and other entitlements.  He changed the landscape of civil servants dismissing many who believed in God or who didn't belong to the socialist party.  He began redistributing the wealth by allowing the poor to claim vacant land and buildings.  He began taking away property in the name of the people.

Chile had established a constitution patterned after The United States Constitution.  They were a republic and enjoyed all the liberties of a capitalist society.  They had the highest level of literacy in South America and enjoyed the highest standard of living.  Anyone could work and own their own car.  Does that sound familiar?

I arrived in Chile about 2 years into this presidency.  The president eventually declared himself a marxist and began visiting Cuba and bringing in Russian and Cuban advisers.  The morality in the papers took a nose dive as it seemed anything was okay to print.  One had a hard time even looking at the news stands where the pages openly and flagrantly pressed immorality as the norm.

Teachers who believed in God or the Republic were dismissed.  Many men who stood for freedom and liberty as taught in the constitution went into hiding as the assassinations began to mount up monthly.  It was no longer safe to be members of the party that supported the constitution and a republic.

Even in the church congregations the people seemed to split into socialists and those who loved the constitutional republic with safeguards to their liberty and freedom.  I often heard "yankee go home."  There were moments of danger at times being American.  The country was in a crisis with deep divisions between people of different backgrounds.

Big pits were dug for people as graves and lists were made up for those who would be shot and killed on their liberation day.  I remember being part of a round up of suspected individuals who were being taken to an open field, shot, and dropped to the earth.  I was taken outside where others were being shot and dropped dead into pits.  I was one of the lucky ones who came out of that camp alive.

Soldiers on the streets marched with rifles in their hands pointing them straight ahead as if being ready to engage the enemy.  At one point the business people staged a boycott of buying and selling goods.  For over 30 days we had to survive on what was available at home.  A curfew at 2 P.M. kept people off the streets.  One would listen to the shots as those who broke the curfew were shot.  Bodies were picked up and carried off from those who challenged the authority of the state.

If you wanted land or a building, one simply displayed the Chilean flag and declared it in the name of the people -- your land or building.  That night often the real battle began with land owners or other squatters who felt they wanted the land more.  Blood flowed like a river and goods became scarce.  Long lines for simple products as bread, oil, rice, and meat were common.  The government granted houses with no sewage and little support for the community turned into great slum areas.

I literally knew people who were dying in this cause.  As a songwriter the songs I wrote in this period captured the conflict of ideas in pure feeling.  I did not dare share them because I was a guest in this country.

The Army took over the country the day before many of us were to be shot.  We were literally on a list to be shot including everyone in the home where I stayed.  It was the home of an ex-mayor who believed strongly in Liberty and Freedom through a republic.  He used to own 5 homes but had to choose only one in this redistribution of wealth.  In the rural areas he had land as far you one could see in all directions.  It was all taken away in the name of the people.

Chile eventually restored their republic back to representation of the people.  They are a model of how a republic recovers under the tyranny and blood letting of socialism.  Today they are fiscally sound.  They use private enterprise to fund their equivalent of medicare and social security which are solvent today.  Today private property is respected.

Today we are seeing a revolution dedicated towards redistributing wealth, changing our constitution, and creating a new America that is globally aligned with "social justice."  Using a ploy invented by a pair of communist professors at Columbia, ACORN, and other such organizations with government money have been striving to overwhelm our system by placing as many people on government welfare as possible.  The balance of power between executive, legislative, and judicial branches has been broken.  It is up to "we the people" to right this out of balance -- to vote those out who have taken moderate and progressive stances and allowed this government to become anti-American.

Rich and powerful men have bought out our media and the news no longer portrays what is real on the ground in America.  The dialogue is a love affair between the president of the United States and "hope and change" which is anything but hope and is leading us down the path of financial ruin.  Our paper supply has been increased 300 percent in the last 4 years.  Our banks are paid interest to hold over one trillion dollars of money by the Fed.  The interest rates are being held low.  Our definition of unemployment, inflation, and key indicators of our economy change to reflect the best side for the government.  Congress has not even tried to balance the budget for over 3 years.

I am advocating that you and your families read those who were part of the movement that broke off from these progressive politicians who have controlled our country for many years.  David Horowitz wrote a number of good pamphlets.  I simply bought all of them. They cover how progressives took power through illegal voter registration.  They show how progressives use government money to front community groups like ACORN that are dedicated to destroying America.  They show how the Muslim Brotherhood has gained a strong hold on America and are dedicated to defeating us from within.  The show the relationship of George Soros and his influence in the Democratic party.

See good movies which document what is happening.  The Tea Party shows how ordinary Americans stood up to President Obama in 2010 and elected enough patriots to congress to stop his agenda.  The movie 2016 gives a clear view of the roots of President Obama so one can understand why he makes the decisions he makes today.  The movie Agenda takes a look at the history of Progressives in American politics and shows the trail to the communist party and how they created an agenda and got it done.  It shows this President and his true agenda.  I Want Your Money is a movie which illustrates the differences between America with Reagan and America with Obama.  Buy these movies and share them with your friends.

It is time to stand up and be counted on the side of Liberty and Freedom through a constitutional republic which respects the rights and liberty of all citizens.  There has never been a utopian society that was not tyranny led by dictators who crushed their opponents and tightly controlled their citizens through arbitrary regulation.

I believe in conservation.  I believe in using renewable energy.  I believe in taking care of our planet.  We do not need to become a global society or a socialist nation to accomplish those goals.  Using regulation to limit access to resources is simply the wrong way to go about it.  Using a cap and trade system which sets up penalties and payments for polluting is absurd and the wrong direction.  Americans helped restore the idea of bio-intensive farming by preserving and spreading its ideas to over 109 nations.  Americans invented the idea of a solar roadway which could produce 3 times the amount of electricity that we currently produce simply by placing solar roadways on our interstate highways.  Americans invented the idea of hydrogen as a clean energy ... and solar roadways would set us up as an independent nation to become the first hydrogen economy.  These ideas would build on what we have done with fossil fuels and extend our influence to all nations by example.  This would show leadership in a free world where choice is paramount to success.

In the history of the world, the United States has not been a colonist nation.  They have sought freedom of each individual state where states have the latitude to produce programs tailored to their people.  The idea of a strong Federal Government was the opposite of what our founding fathers created.  It places us in a dangerous position where powerful men could tip the scales in their favor with their own brand of regulation.  I think we have seen enough of that under progressive presidents.  It is time to restore the ideas that made America great.  It is time to restore the American vision for prosperity, freedom, and liberty.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Nature Within

To follow something like religion is not a weakness, it is a strength.  To obey laws of nature and nurture is not a sign of weakness, it is a strength.  It leads us to understand the heavens about us.  Even after all of what we know, we know little of the stars, the moon, and the sun.  We are a small dot on the edge of something that is quite grand all about us.  From the very smallest thing we can see to the the very largest there is, there is this sense of harmony and inter-unity about it all.

It is nature and nature's creator that brings out the best of curiosity in all of us from all paths in life.

Despite the darkest of the far reaches of the universe our earth is a veritable garden of all kinds of plants, animals, and things we haven't even met yet!  The moon has this interplay with plants that allows them to burst with seed and produce jumbo sizes.  The sun gives us a complex mix of light and growth that sustains life we haven't even met yet!

And then one finds water -- that magical source of life sustaining essence that permeates all living things.  It can be powerful in all of its states.  It nourishes, renews, and cleanses the earth.  It is teaming with life.  Can we be as pure as water, taking with us those things that are not pure and giving them back with stillness to parts of the earth which can receive them.

The earth cultivates in our fields the life sustaining force that keeps us all alive.  It all begins with a seed.  By following the course of a seed, life around us begins to make sense.  This simple cycle used to be watched over and followed everyday in our struggle to be alive.  Today our seeds are managed by larger and larger groups who help sustain larger and larger groups.  Our world was designed to sustain a large number of people.

One PhD friend did his thesis on how many billions of people the great plains of the United States could sustain.  It was well over 20 billion people with planned cities, canals in a system of free enterprise.  It reminds me of how the Russians who let the farmers plant and sell their own crops on 1 percent of their land.  That one percent out performed the 99 percent of the rest of their crops.  It adverted a disaster of famine.  Private enterprise in a communist country averted a national disaster.

Is it any surprise that you find researchers in Kansas looking to turn annual food crops into perennials?  That would mean that food would grow naturally everywhere.  Many farmers already know what perennials are great to plant and make that part of their harvest plan.  Home owners in the cities can plant these easy to grow, sustainable crops as well for a hedge against high food prices.

Clouds in our sky come and go with rain, and sometimes with storms.  Man has forever been talking about the severity of stormy days.  Protection from storms comes at the cost of advance planning and serious thought about wind, rain, hail, tornadoes, hurricanes, and even earthquakes.  Despite our best advances it continues to be a vigilant need in our communities.

Our responsibility is to cultivate the humanity within us -- the nature within.  When a baby is born the purity of their life is read in their face.  They absorb everything within their hearing, taste, touch, and sight.  It is an amazing transformation.  The vigor and energy they put into life is instantly rewarded as they become fellow speakers of our language, fellow doers of our actions, and fellow followers of our inner natures.

A simple breath is taken when a child is first born.  That breath is not extinguished until death comes.  It sparks an energy throughout the body.  I've noticed when patients register a low oxygen level, that ten deep breaths instantly restore its value to 99 or even 100 percent saturation.  Collectively our breath is that ability to find what is best in our communities for us all.  Deep within us there is a divine call or a spiritual nature to what defines our being.  It is found as we give service to others and begin to understand the cycle of life around us that sustains our community.

A flowing river is a powerful tool given to the earth which removes mountains and creates valleys.  It ebbs and flows in cycles that sustain powerful communities of life.  Our efforts on this planet do the same by our attitudes and choices.  We become the rocks of our generation that fill in the places where people need to be helping.  We become the trees that plant deeply in the earth and sustain the land across the background of changing weather, and changing times.  We grow deeply into the earth -- so that what seen above the ground is only a hint of what went on below.

The ancients of this world had the same struggles we have and their wisdom is still with us preserved in their records both oral and written.  It is in our best interest to continue to catalog the best of our nation.  It is in our best interest to provide open portals into that knowledge.  This mountain of knowledge is not without precedent as many far flung nations have made attempts to amass libraries only to see them plundered in ruins.  It is our honor and respect for the ancients and the freedom and liberty of mankind that should sustain us.

Let us be strong as the tiger in sustaining freedom for all people.  Let us be wise as the crane who in stillness embraces the earth.  The crane is vigilant in knowing the area about him.  Let us be determined as the fish who swim upstream with the strength of survival ... that of one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.  May we be as enduring as the turtle who is both self-sufficient and self-preserving despite the slowness of his movement.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Left or Right

I'm an American. My parents came here a long time ago. We trace our roots back to Scotland and Wales. They have been democratic voters and recently started to think like republicans. I've been an independent. I like to think that our choices in presidents have been carefully groomed by two parties that almost think alike. Sometimes I think they create conflict simply to give the appearance of disagreement while increasing government and moving us toward less freedoms.

I love the founding fathers and their clarity on the role of state and federal government. The constitution and its principles which balance the power between state, federal, and local governments is inspired of God. No other country has had so much given from this foundation that America. To the degree we align ourselves with this style of government, we will continue to be a light to every other government on earth. We've had a group of presidents, congressional leaders, and judicial judges that have increased their roles and reduced our freedoms while lining the pockets of everyone who helped elect or choose them.

Why? This is not a question of left or right. Both left and right seem to jump into the fray and remove freedoms. An act of congress -- the patriot act under Bush's term was celebrated as a wonderful anti-terrorist act. Has the public read it? Do they know what it does? Do you? The rules and regulations from the last three presidents can fill a room with paper. It literally is clogging the economy with red tape. Overseas we act as if we are the world's police. We give aid as a country as if money will fix the world's problems.

How about the organization called FEMA? Are you aware that only 7 percent of its budget is for emergencies and that they come under Homeland Security? Are you aware that some independent observers have called this a shadow government to take over when a crisis happens? Are you aware of the executive orders which put this in place across all the presidents since Kennedy? There exist executive orders which are held back from congress because they are classified.

This is not a question of left or right. It is a question of right or wrong. It is wrong to mislead the public while building a private army ... be it a democratic president or a republican president. It is wrong to build democracies by force. It is wrong to put in place a plan to revert to martial law when a crisis happens without letting our system work. It is wrong to control the media so that news does not appear on the presses. It is wrong to openly encourage a crisis to happen like in the occupy wall street fiascoes. It is wrong to go into debt and create a slave relationship for the American people. It is wrong to use minority issues like race or gender to divide and conquer the American people for the political end to destroy our republic. It is wrong to strengthen our enemies as a way of bringing about global collapse ... so vastly rich manipulators of global economies can make more money.

A vote for Obama is a vote to continue the trillion dollar spending spree that no one knows how it is truly spent. Even the general accounting office can not give a complete account of it. A vote for Obama is a continuation of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States of America where every other nation in the world has removed them from power. Yet, the United States helped reinstate them across many middle eastern countries. A vote for Obama is the continuing effort to put known communists and socialists into the executive branch. A vote for Obama includes giving the majority of stimulus money to democratic campaign contributors for them to create shell companies with tax payer money that does not even have to be paid back. A vote for Obama includes the free loan subsidies which put the tax payers at risk for all loans given and money into their friends pockets.

I can't even mention everything a vote for Obama includes so I'll end with this -- a vote for Obama is a vote against George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Thomas Jefferson -- an end to liberty as we have known it in the past. I hope people will sufficiently wake up to recognize the slavery that Obama has created both domestically and within our foreign affairs.